October 10, 2015
Oh my, this has been an eventful week for me! A HUGE opportunity has prevented itself, so I’ve been jumping through hoops all week to try and make it happen. ...
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October 6, 2015
In 2012 I was a mess: At 5’3″ and 150 lbs. my doctor told me I was borderline obese, my marriage was on the rocks, and I just received an...
October 5, 2015November 5, 2018
Before each training session I take a photo of my weight on the scale and send it to my trainer, Robin Johnson Jr. This is something we started last year when I...
October 3, 2015November 5, 2018
So, you know how yesterday I was doing my weekly check-in for the 30 Day Challenge and I said I was ready to start “peak week” which is also known...
October 2, 2015
How’s your 30 Day Challenge coming along? I’m not going to lie, this past week was tough. If you’re hungry and angry you’re hangry. If your sleepy and angry you’re...
October 1, 2015
Sometimes I can be a smart-ass. Sometimes it gets my ass kicked. Like Tuesday, for example, when it was my trainer, Robin’s, birthday. I could have just said, “Happy birthday,”...
September 30, 2015November 5, 2018
September has always been rough for me. I’m one of those people who gets sad when it gets dark and cold outside, which is one reason why I moved to...
September 29, 2015
#Thankyou Instagram and Twitter for reminding me that today, September 29, is one of the most awesome pretend-holidays of the year: #NationalCoffeeDay These are the places giving away freebies: Dunkin’ Donuts:...
September 28, 2015November 5, 2018
Holy $&@! have you seen the prices of eggs lately??? If you are a bodybuilder (or a vegetarian for that matter) your main source of protein comes from eggs, so...
September 26, 2015
Oh snap! We’re halfway through the 30-Day Challenge to create (and stick with) a fitness plan. I would never ask you to do anything I’m not willing to do myself, so...
September 24, 2015November 5, 2018
How’s your 30 Day Challenge going? I’m a big supporter of clean eating, which is basically eating whole, unprocessed foods and I eat six times per day every 2-3 hours....
September 22, 2015
As we all know, NBC recently told The Donald, “You’re fired!” as the host of Celebrity Apprentice. Guess who the replacement is? Arnold Schwarzenegger! Instead of ending each show with,...
September 21, 2015November 5, 2018
The other day on Instagram I stumbled across a post from @fit.way (one of the fitness people I follow) and he had a picture of a superhero up. His idea...
September 20, 2015
Last week I invited you to create a fitness plan as part of the 30-Day Challenge. I’ve been getting lots of emails, comments, DMs and messages saying that you want...
September 19, 2015
The Olympia is to bodybuilders what the Super Bowl is to football fans. Let me tell you, there’s a lot of drama going down this year. Earlier this week Kai Greene...
September 17, 2015November 5, 2018
The 30-Day Challenge In exactly one month I will be stepping on stage at the Texas State Naturals in an attempt to get my pro card. Last week I placed...