Wellness Bingo

Happy New Year! Ah, yes, that time of year for resolutions and goals. This year I’m trying a few things based on deep research (I watched several YouTube videos) and a desire for novelty.
Pick a Theme Word
A theme word helps set the tone for the year. No matter what’s going on in your life, if you go back to that word as your guiding light it will keep you focused on what’s important to you this year. Some examples:
- The Minimalist Mom (a decluttering/minimalist guru with four kids) made her word RUTHLESS and I was like, “Minimalist Mom?!? That seems very aggressive for you.” But she wanted to get rid of stuff she had been holding onto for awhile.
- Ryan Holiday who wrote The Daily Stoic once made his word LESS. He said his work schedule got really crazy, making his work/family balance way off, so he spent the year choosing his opportunities wisely and only accepting the ones that made sense to his business and family goals.
- Johanna Gaines of HGTV/Magnolia fame, said in her interior design course on Master Class that you should pick 1-3 words or phrases to describe how you want your home (or a particular room) to feel. Examples are: PEACEFUL, QUIET LUXURY, COZY AND RELAXED. Based on your words you make stylistic choices of paint color, furniture and decor.
My theme word: NOW
I’ve noticed that I’m a world champion procrastinator, especially when I have things that scare me, or things I don’t want to do. If I focus on the word NOW I’ll just do the thing. In theory. I’m not sure how this theme word thing will work out, honestly, but I’m going to try.
Pick Your Identity
In Atomic Habits, James Clear said the key to keeping a new habit is to link your identity to the behavior you want. For example, let’s say Jack and Jill have made a goal to quit smoking. When a coworker asks Jack if he’d like a cigarette, Jack responds, “No thanks, I’m trying to quit.” When the coworker asks Jill, she says, “No thanks, I’m not a smoker.” Jack still sees himself as a smoker, so he has to force himself to stick to willpower. Jill sees herself as a non-smoker now, so smoking isn’t even an option.
In wellness terms, instead of saying, “I’m on a diet,” you’d say, “I eat clean.” If you’ve followed this blog for a while you know that I’ve had issues with food, so I’m avoiding the food identity all together for this though experiment and will instead focus on a fictious person’s identity I respect.
My Fun Identity: Sarah Connor from The Terminator
She is a total badass. I remember getting the movie from Blockbuster Video and loving her transformation from mild and meek to a strong, confident woman doing pull ups and fighting the robots to save the world. I’m totally down with doing pull ups again and fighting against AI. Boom.
Gamify It
People crave novelty. We’re more likely to stick with something that’s fun. This morning on a text chain my BFF Jen D shared her 2025 Bingo card with funny predictions mixed in with health goals. I asked her if I could modify it for wellness and post on my blog and she said sure. (Thanks, Jen!)
I’m starting out small and aim to grow in badassery over the next 12 months. Here’s my bingo card (which I’ll also post on my social media) and write out the things below.
- Write your fitness goals
- Do a five minute plank
- Take a yoga class
- Get a mammogram
- Call a friend
- Declutter your work area
- Try a new recipe
- Run/walk in a park
- Listen to a positive podcast
- Keep a fitness journal
- Eat 3-5 servings of veggies
- Get a colonoscopy. (I know.)
- Lift weights
- Wear something that makes you feel badass
- Watch a funny movie/TV show
- Throw away expired food
- Write a thank you letter and send it
- Delete 100 old emails
- Read a book about menopause
- Get a massage
- Go to bed 15 minutes earlier
- Donate 10 things
- Do 20 modified push ups
- Write 3 things you are grateful for
Feel free to make your own wellness bingo card or follow along with mine.
Be healthy!
Lisa 😉
P.S. – What are your fitness goals for 2025?

Copyright (c) Lisa Traugott 2025. All rights reserved. No part of this blog post may be used or reproduced in any manner for the purpose of training artificial intelligence technologies or systems.
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