How to Feel Better in 10 Minutes

Howdy. If you’re reading this my guess is you’re going through some shit right now. Been there, done that, and I’m sending you a virtual hug through this blog post. When you’re feeling bad, you want the pain to stop quickly, so here are four fast, simple and healthy ways to do that, in no particular order. Take what works for you.
Connect with humans
We are social creatures meant for interaction. If you’re having a rotten day, the ideal situation would be to get a hug. According to researchers at Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience, “touch substantially improves both physical and mental wellbeing, for example via reduction of pain, anxiety, depression, and stress in adults.” Of course, face-to-face contact isn’t always possible. Texting and talking with your friends works wonders too. They know you best and can cheer you up with a silly meme or just being quiet and listening with a sympathetic ear when you need to vent. It’s good to get things off your chest, to feel heard, and be accepted in all your messiness.
Talk a walk
Multiple studies note the benefits of walking to combat depression and anxiety, beyond the additional benefits of cardiovascular fitness, joint health and weight management. Did you know that walking also increases your creativity and ability to problem solve? This may be why tech tycoons like Apple’s Steve Jobs held ‘walking meetings’ and why CEOs from Facebook, Google and LinkedIn do as well. Walking gets your blood pumping, which brings more oxygen to your brain and boosts your mood. You get bonus points if you are able to walk in nature. Breath in fresh air, put away your smart phone, and take a moment to appreciate the blue skies, the scent of flowers and the ruffling of leaves as wild creatures scurry. Connecting with nature helps to ground you and make you feel better.
One of the quickest ways to perk up is to have a good laugh. Why? It increases endorphins released by your brain, increases your oxygen intake and helps to relax your muscles. If you make laughter a long-term practice it even boosts your immunity. For a quick fix, find a YouTube clip of your favorite comedian or watch a sitcom or romantic comedy you love. On my desk I have a coaster of a Scottish man lifting his kilt to moon everyone. It’s stupid, but it makes me laugh. On my refrigerator, I also have funny photos of my kids and a picture of my husband and I sitting in a scooter buggy wearing ridiculous helmets. It helps to laugh at yourself too, and to remind yourself of good times.
Help someone
You’ve probably heard, “It’s better to give than receive.” Well, there’s evidence that giving is hardwired in our bodies to make you feel good immediately. According to a study noted in Time Magazine, giving activates the same pleasure center of your brain as sex and food. Focusing on someone else distracts you from your own problems and gives you perspective. I remember Suzi Ormand’s advice that if you’re feeling poor or broke or bad about money, give a $5 (or whatever you can afford) to the charity of your choice. It empowers you and gives you a sense of control. Money aside, you can give a warm smile to a cashier at the grocery store, or volunteer for a good cause, or send a thank you note to someone you appreciate. Think of a time when you were down and someone gave you kind words. Didn’t that feel amazing? Don’t you want to give that to someone else too? You never know what someone is going through and your simple act of kindness might be exactly what they needed in that moment.
Whatever you’re going through right now, I hope you feel better soon. One of the best pieces of advice my mom gave me when things got tough was to say, “This too shall pass.” Hang in there.
Lisa 😉
How about you? What tips or tricks to you use to feel better?
Here’s my story, “She’s Losing It” – available at Amazon.
Here’s my novel, “To Rescue a Witch” – available at Amazon.
Copyright (c) Lisa Traugott 2024. All rights reserved.