November 18, 2018November 18, 2018
Sunday November 18th is Mickey Mouse Day. Yes, this is apparently a real thing. So in honor of this day, here’s a throwback post to the time we took a...
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November 12, 2018November 5, 2018
In honor of Happy Hour Day, here’s an excerpt from my memoir “She’s Losing It!” about that time I drank a beer during happy hour… March 2012 ...
According to research from the Calorie Control Council the average American consumes 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving (3,000 for the meal and 1,500 for snacks and drinks) and 229 grams of...
November 9, 2018November 19, 2018
In honor of Veterans’ Day, thanks to all the soldiers of American Grit who helped inspire people to become stronger. #ShowYourGrit ……… To say it was surreal watching myself last...
November 7, 2018November 5, 2018
There is a saying that you either have just gotten out of an emergency, are in the middle of an emergency, or are about to enter into an emergency. That’s...
November 6, 2018November 6, 2018
Once upon a time, when I was in my early 20’s, I used to love grocery shopping. Maybe love is too strong a word, but I enjoyed shopping. As a...
November 5, 2018
Yesterday was my favorite weekend ever: Daylight Savings. This is the one day per year when we get an extra hour of sleep*. It’s also the start of that...
October 25, 2018November 5, 2018
Halloween – an entire holiday dedicated to asking for, then binge eating, sugary snacks. This year it’s a double whammy of diet-induced guilt because not only am I training for...
October 22, 2018October 22, 2018
Have you ever run so fast you had to throw up? Yeah, me too. I once had a trainer who used to say, “If you’re not puking on leg day,...
October 15, 2018
I’m a personal trainer and the first question I always ask my new clients is, “What’s your fitness goal?” Sometimes I get answers like, ‘I want to lose maybe a...
October 1, 2018November 5, 2018
October is Eat Better / Eat Together month. Since October is the official kickoff to the holiday season (just look to your local Walmart if you don’t believe me), this...
September 30, 2018November 19, 2018
We’ve survived September! The kids are back to school and there is a frenzy of activity, but I personally like the structure and the more energized pace that the fall...
September 15, 2018September 15, 2018
Have you ever heard of a Bullet Journal or BuJo for short? Created by Ryder Carroll it’s basically a do-it-yourself planner/diary where you keep track of tasks, calendar items and...
September 2, 2018
Who inspires you? This week we celebrated the lives of two American icons: John McCain and Aretha Franklin. Their tributes spoke of courage, talent and above all American grit. Grit...
August 31, 2018November 5, 2018
This month did not go as expected. My idea was to start training for a November bodybuilding competition and get my kids ready to transition back to public school from...
August 8, 2018November 5, 2018
Y’all know that Quest Nutrition is my go-to for protein shakes and protein bars, so I was really excited when they sent me some of their new Thin Crust Pizzas...