February 6, 2014
Austin, Texas is in an weather-related uproar today. It was 25 degrees, or as people in Chicago would say, “it was a nice day.” They delayed school for two hours...
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February 4, 2014
I f*&$#@ love to curse, only I use the real words and not cute symbols like @#$%. This little habit had to be reeled in with the arrival of my...
February 3, 2014
What do you call a person who goes to New Orleans, drinks like a fish, parties like a rock star, eats whatever she wants, and doesn’t gain weight or get...
January 29, 2014
This Sunday, February 2, millions of people will be celebrating my 40th birthday The Super Bowl. I’ve been feeling rather bummed all week because while tons of people will be...
January 27, 2014
I was on the R subway travelling from Queens to my temp job in Manhattan in the frigid darkness of a winter’s Monday morning. Stressing over student loans and not...
January 25, 2014
One of my Hey I’m Turning 40/New Year’s Resolutions is to enter a local pole fitness competition in the Novice division (that’s fancy for “people who have no idea what...
January 23, 2014
Austin, Texas has decided to be trendy and suddenly turned cold today. In fact, it’s going to (maybe) snow a few flurries tonight. I hate the cold. “But, Lisa,” you...
January 22, 2014
Pop Quiz: What’s your favorite carbohydrate? Pasta Bread Cereal Oatmeal Potatoes Rice Other I used to love, love, LOVE pasta, but the last time I ate it I felt sick...
January 21, 2014
My trainer is on maternity leave (it’s a boy!) so the girls from the team are breaking into smaller groups of workout buddies and it’s been a lot of fun....
January 20, 2014
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, here are some of his quotes originally said within the context of fighting racism, but that can easily translate into other areas...
January 17, 2014
Dear Lisa, I really love your blog and want to start a fitness blog to keep myself accountable, but don’t know where to begin. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!...
January 16, 2014November 5, 2018
They announced the Oscar nominations for the 2014 Academy Awards this morning. Congrats to Austin locals Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey! (If you would like to read about McConaughey’s weight loss...
January 15, 2014
The first half of January, I’m incredibly grouchy because that’s when I get back to eating clean in earnest and my body goes through sugar withdrawal from all those Christmas...
January 14, 2014
A lot of times I write my little blog posts and forget that people other than my friends and family read them too. (Ah, the internet!) Well, remember how I...
January 13, 2014
Today I was feeling totally overwhelmed. I had stuff to do for work, food shopping, help assistant coach my daughter’s Destination Imagination team, and no matter where I looked in...
January 12, 2014
Ah ha! I actually have a fitness game plan now. January – Get back with the program. Eat clean, train hard. February – Submit my audition tape for the Capital...