December 13, 2013
An ongoing goal I’ve been writing about of late is attempting to meet the four basic requirements of the NPC fitness routine for my next bodybuilding competition, namely: Push ups...
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November 21, 2013
It’s now time for another episode of A Text From My Trainer. Today was leg day. For those of you who have never experienced the pain of leg day (which...
November 14, 2013
This is actually pretty clever. I saw the story following @RobForbesDJ. Here is the link: In an effort to promote better health in everyday life (as well as promote...
November 11, 2013
This is what a straddle hold is supposed to look like: Pop Quiz – Straddle Hold This quiz is in essay format. Feel free to answer any of the questions...
Happy Veterans Day! Thank you soldiers, for protecting us and thank you soldiers’ families for holding down the fort at home so your loved one(s) can serve. My dad was...
November 4, 2013
From time to time, I’m asked how I fit in exercise and balance it out with my family/work life. Here is a brief synopsis of my day 4 a.m. Alarm...
October 29, 2013
One of the blogs I follow, trextotigressdotcom, had an interesting post today: Will I Look Like The Women In the Shaun T Infomercials? She comments about how great the women...
October 27, 2013
My prime exercise goal for next year is to compete in the Fitness Division of a bodybuilding competition. I’m aiming for the Texas Shredder in April, but as I’ve never...
October 13, 2013
We’ve spoken about how it feels to live with arthritis and now we’re focusing on some ways to to help you reduce pain, enhance mobility, and decrease your dependence on...
October 9, 2013
As part of my quest for increased flexibility, I’ve been taking stretching and yoga classes twice a week. (FYI- I switched yoga instructors; the first yoga experience I had was...
October 7, 2013
Alright, y’all know I got no game. But I will fix that! I’m taking dance classes now. OMG, it’s so much fun! And people are just as embarrassed as me!...
October 6, 2013
Pop Quiz: What is the worst exercise ever? A) Burpees B) Sprints C) Chasing after toddler in the supermarket while pregnant, or chasing toddler anytime. D) Weighted planks with rows...
October 2, 2013
Last night I went to a spin class at CYC Fitness and it was so much fun! I think what made it fun is that my friend, Adrienne Humphries, was...
September 29, 2013
How’s your weekend going? Mine was filled with craziness: Date night, baby shower, muscle spasm, pirate and princess birthday parties and a smack down at bootycamp. Date Night Remember how...
September 27, 2013
Lee-Ann Ellison, a California mother of three, sparked a huge controversy when she posted some pictures on her Crossfit Facebook page. What was the problem? Well, she was lifting heavy...
September 25, 2013
I hate cardio at the gym. Why? Because it’s boring. To remedy this dire situation I make up nicknames for the people working out around me. Here are some current...