June 13, 2019September 18, 2019
Tips and Tricks for Staying Fit on Vacation One of the great parts of taking a typical vacation means you’ll be moving around a lot, whether hiking on a nature...
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May 15, 2019September 18, 2019
Here’s The Dirty Dancing Video I’ve been waiting 32 years to post this video!!! For my 45th Annual Birthday Scare my husband and I learned the final dance from the...
May 4, 2019September 18, 2019
One of the questions I get asked all the time is, “How do I quit sugar?” We all know it’s bad for us. It can lead to obesity, diseases like...
April 22, 2019September 18, 2019
I’ve been remiss in my blogging duties, but in my defense I’ve been binge watching all the previous seasons of Game of Thrones, because priorities. There are two main problems...
March 18, 2019September 18, 2019
Have you ever noticed that everything is always due on the same day? Like in school, it would never be just a math exam. No, no, no. That would be...
March 14, 2019September 18, 2019
The gossip at the gym is in a tizzy over the college bribery scandal that snared over 750 families and arrested rich parents, coaches and administrators who were involved in...
March 4, 2019September 18, 2019
Y’all this has been one whirlwind of a week! My husband and I braved the cold to travel to Columbus, Ohio for the Arnold Sports Festival (ASF). The ASF has...
February 3, 2019
The Super Bowl is kind of like three television events rolled into one. You’ve got football for sports enthusiasts, the best commercials all year, and the half-time show with the...
February 2, 2019
If you follow my blog or read my book “She’s Losing It!” then you know that every year for my birthday I do something outside of my comfort zone to...
January 30, 2019
Only 30 days (yikes!) until the Arnold Amateur Bikini Competition! The Arnold Sports Festival is the largest multi-sport event in the USA with more than 22,000 athletes competing in more...
January 20, 2019February 7, 2020
Abs are made in the kitchen, which is why all of my clients use the SLI Method, which includes a plan to systematically and simultaneously work on your belly (nutrition),...
January 14, 2019January 14, 2019
When you want to change a behavior (like getting in shape), most people thinks it starts with taking action, but according to the transtheoretical model, there are five stages of...
January 8, 2019January 8, 2019
What if I told you that you only had one more birthday before you died? Would you do anything differently? Would you start a new business, write a book, finally...
December 30, 2018
As one year comes to a close and another year stretches out before us with unseen possibilities, challenge yourself to live your dreams. This doesn’t necessarily mean to quit your...
December 12, 2018
Since Thanksgiving I’ve been on a mad dash (can you relate?) to get everything done, so I’m only just now able to update you on some exciting news: I’m going...
November 20, 2018November 22, 2018
How do you avoid the holiday creep? No, not your Aunt Betty’s new boyfriend; the pound of flesh that gets added between Thanksgiving and New Years. According to the Caloric...