FREE Lunch & Learn Event

What if I told you that you only had one more birthday before you died? Would you do anything differently?
Would you start a new business, write a book, finally get in shape?
Show me a person who has a New Year’s resolution to “tone up” I’ll show you a person sitting on their couch by January 5th. But show me a person who has a goal to run the New York City marathon and I’ll show you a person who gets up every day to run five miles until she crosses that finish line.
The number one resolution is to exercise more. The number two resolution is to eat better and the number three resolution is to save more money. If you are interested in any of these things, then do I have an event for you!
My friend Jennifer Ewing, Financial Advisor with Waddell & Reed is hosting a FREE lunch and learn where she will be speaking about money management and I will be giving you 7 Secrets to Reach Your Best Body (including the Bikini Diet!)
Here’s the info:
Thursday, January 24, 2019
11:30 am -12:30 pm
Hyatt Place, 1315 E. New Hope Drive, Cedar Park
RSVP required as lunch is provided and SPACE IS LIMITED 🙂

Here’s a little more info about what benefits you will get from my portion of the lunch & learn:
Title: “She’s Losing It!”
Topic: Transformation through fitness
Description: Mom’s Choice winning author of the memoir “She’s Losing It!” shares how she lost 50 pounds in five months and kept the weight off using techniques from bodybuilders she used to create the SLI Method.
Key takeaways:
- The SLI Method Lisa used and uses with her clients to lose weight and keep it off focusing on the Belly, Body and Brain.
- Belly – Do bodybuilders only eat boiled chicken? This and other diet secrets revealed. PLUS: FREE BIKINI DIET given!
- Body – The best exercises to look strong, sexy and not like a dude
- Brain – The three key secrets to getting past what’s stopping you from your weight loss goals.
Hope to see you there! Remember to RSVP soon!
Lisa 🙂
This event is for informational purposes only and is not meant as medical advice or investment advice or a recommendation to engage in any investment or financial strategy. Investment and financial decisions should always be made based on your specific financial needs, objectives, goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. Waddell & Reed does not offer tax or legal advice. Please consult with a professional regarding your personal situation.