October 11, 2013
When my son was two years old, we were involved in an epic battle to potty-train him. My daughter, being an over-achiever, had been potty-trained at 18 months, and it...
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October 10, 2013
Last year it was all so clear: I was a Zombie Cheerleader for Halloween. It said, “sporty, yet cannibalistic.” This year I’m puzzled. Sure, I could go the Super Woman...
October 9, 2013
As part of my quest for increased flexibility, I’ve been taking stretching and yoga classes twice a week. (FYI- I switched yoga instructors; the first yoga experience I had was...
October 8, 2013
Usually on Tuesdays I do “Tell Me Something Good” to keep it positive. Today I’m doing Gripes and Goodies because I need an excuse to vent. Gripes Just got spanked...
October 7, 2013
Alright, y’all know I got no game. But I will fix that! I’m taking dance classes now. OMG, it’s so much fun! And people are just as embarrassed as me!...
October 6, 2013
Pop Quiz: What is the worst exercise ever? A) Burpees B) Sprints C) Chasing after toddler in the supermarket while pregnant, or chasing toddler anytime. D) Weighted planks with rows...
October 4, 2013
My website is getting a facelift. Apologies in advance while this techno construction is going on. Have a happy Friday! Lisa @sheslosingitnet http://www.facebook.com/ShesLosingItnet Sheslosingit.net (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. ...
This morning I was warming up on the treadmill next to Dana (my teammate from Mel’s Machines) and CNN was on, talking about the government shutdown. For those of you...
October 3, 2013
I met Nikki earlier this year at the FitBloggin’ convention. She was friendly and very open about her weight loss via gastric bypass surgery, which she blogs about on Bariatric...
October 2, 2013
Last night I went to a spin class at CYC Fitness and it was so much fun! I think what made it fun is that my friend, Adrienne Humphries, was...
October 1, 2013
Every 1st of the month I write goals for myself, and at the end of the month I check back in to see how I did. October Goals Do a...
September 30, 2013
It’s that time of month…time to see how I did on my goals. Here’s how I did: September Goals Sleep 8 hours per night. Result? No, but I can explain...
September 29, 2013
How’s your weekend going? Mine was filled with craziness: Date night, baby shower, muscle spasm, pirate and princess birthday parties and a smack down at bootycamp. Date Night Remember how...
September 27, 2013
Lee-Ann Ellison, a California mother of three, sparked a huge controversy when she posted some pictures on her Crossfit Facebook page. What was the problem? Well, she was lifting heavy...
September 26, 2013
If you have ever been on a diet you know what a nightmare social gatherings can be. How can you be at a birthday party without eating cake? How can...
September 25, 2013
I hate cardio at the gym. Why? Because it’s boring. To remedy this dire situation I make up nicknames for the people working out around me. Here are some current...