July 5, 2015
“Are you done sabotaging yourself?” asked my trainer, Robin. Oh, crap, I knew this was coming. I had already cheated on my meal plan once this week sampling “clean”...
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July 3, 2015November 5, 2018
Rylee has pneumonia. She had a cold that was on-again/off-again but when she came back from her best friend’s sleep over birthday party she had a fever. I took her...
July 2, 2015November 5, 2018
As much as I’m a fan of clean eating, my kids sure aren’t. When I try out recipes such as “spinach smoothies” and “kale chips” they don’t bother sugarcoating their...
July 1, 2015
BICEP COMPETITION The competition: Whoever makes the most biceps gains during the month of June wins. The competitors: In this corner, you have me, writer of this totally awesome blog...
June 30, 2015
Last week my trainer was on my case to sleep more than my standard four to six hours per night plus cat naps when I could. (Here’s the whole story: Go the Eff to...
June 29, 2015
Who needs a girls night out?!? Lots of you have been asking me about pole dancing classes but have said you’re a little shy. Well do I have a class...
June 27, 2015
Attention protein shake lovers: I have a trendy new gadget right up your alley. It’s called Fuelshaker Basically it allows you to hold your supplement powder of choice in the...
June 24, 2015November 5, 2018
Do you ever look at your body (or life) and say, “it’s just not working”? I’m in the process of doing this now to figure out what is going well...
June 22, 2015
These past six weeks I’ve buried myself into fitness and activities with my children. Although I would have done this anyway, I’ll also confess that a certain amount of busyness...
June 20, 2015
I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that I followed my meal plan all week thereby earning a reward of spray on tan and...
June 18, 2015November 5, 2018
Hi Lisa, I love your blog and I’m hoping you can give me some suggestions. My kids are home for the summer and it’s really hard for me to exercise. ...
June 15, 2015
Female Bodybuilding. #GirlsWhoLift. Yes, you’re doing this for you, but whether you acknowledge it or not your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend can really have an impact on how well you do during pre-judging. ...
June 14, 2015
I’m mid-month into a) my biceps competition with Obidia and b) training for the Southwestern Arial Championships and I’m getting my a** whooped on both fronts. Bicep Boost At the start...
June 9, 2015
This month is dedicated to getting myself back on track. I’m finding the most difficult thing is getting my food in check, so I started up a food journal again....
June 7, 2015
This is my new fitness goal: I WANT MY PRO CARD Lisa, you say, what is a “pro card”? All my bodybuilding competitions so far have been at the amateur...
June 3, 2015
Yesterday I wrote about my goals, including getting back on track with clean eating. Goals are nice, but here’s a specific action plan. Action Plan: Food Remove tempting food from...