April 12, 2023
My dance teacher used to joke I should dance to Mr. Roboto because I was so stiff. As I’ve aged, it’s only gotten worse, which is pretty common. Most of...
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March 24, 2023March 24, 2023
Did you ever go to the gym and feel meh? Almost like you wasted the forty minutes or hour you were there? Here are five tips to get the most...
March 10, 2023
It’s been a bumpy road getting back into competition training. For one thing, I re-injured myself last month (I’m fine now), but it makes me want to be extra cautious....
February 8, 2023February 6, 2023
It’s been almost four years since my last bodybuilding competition, due to the pandemic, injuries, and quite frankly, burnout. The workouts are tough, but the hardest part for me is...
February 2, 2023January 24, 2023
I’m 49 today, but oddly I feel like that sounds young. (Don’t worry my teenage children – I know I’m old.) I read somewhere that everyone thinks the milestone years...
January 20, 2023
The American Academy of Pediatrics issued new guidelines on childhood obesity and boy is there backlash! Their former approach (make lifestyle changes and then wait-and-monitor) wasn’t working so their new...
January 13, 2023
We all know vegetables are good for us, but not even Popeye can convince most Americans to eat the recommended 2-3 cups per day. According to the USDA, most Americans...
January 1, 2023
Did you ever look in the mirror and think, “what the hell happened?” I’m there. Happy New Year! My body is going through another midlife crisis, but honestly, some of...
July 4, 2022
In January I was a little shocked when my fourteen-year-old daughter told me she wanted to do a bodybuilding competition – the teen fitness division. After two years of pandemic...
May 13, 2022May 18, 2022
Times are stressful – pandemic, inflation, social unrest. Earlier this month, while teaching a workshop about storytelling during conference in San Antonio, I sat in on a panel about simple...
April 22, 2022
Two weeks ago I tore my calf muscle getting back into running. I hate injuries! You probably do too. One thing I’ve learned through bodybuilding and running is that sometimes...
February 13, 2022
The Super Bowl is the 2nd largest eating day in the United States after Thanksgiving. Beer, chicken wings, chips, pizza, and, you know, more beer, can really pack on a...
February 7, 2022February 7, 2022
Beginner Leg Workout Ten years ago today (!!!) I started training for my first bodybuilding competition. I thought it would be fun to go through my fitness journal and post...
February 2, 2022
Today, I’m 48 years old. This is the 10th anniversary of starting my blog and doing my first bodybuilding competition. Time flies! Every year for my birthday I do something...
December 31, 2021December 31, 2021
Are you one of those people who writes out New Year resolutions? I remember sitting with my mom at the kitchen table, watching her smoke a cigarette and write three...
July 6, 2021
One of the biggest challenges people face is finding time to fit fitness into their schedule. This is a quick 20 minute home workout that works your whole body and...