December 2, 2016
When you train for a bodybuilding competition you spend weeks, if not months, dedicating time, money and energy into it. It can manage to seep into all aspects of your...
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November 29, 2016
I always kind of wondered what it would be like to be a super model; to be six feet tall with perfect hair and look sultry in photos in exotic...
November 13, 2016November 5, 2018
Looking for a little inspiration? If you live in Austin, I’ll be doing a discussion and book signing today of my memoir “She’s Losing It!” with the local No Excuses Mom...
November 11, 2016
When Bad Things Happen If you live in another country and follow my blog, you may be wondering about my thoughts on the election of Donald Trump. I’ve been going...
November 1, 2016
It’s November, or as I like to call it, Dear-God-let-this-election-be-over-and-then-I-have-how-many-days-to-go-Christmas-shopping??? Or, you know, November. Last month I wrote up some goals, so let’s circle back to see how I did:...
October 26, 2016
Hungry + Angry = Hangry and that’s what I am today. My Vegas bodybuilding competition is just around the corner which means my diet has entered the “I’m pissed off...
October 19, 2016November 5, 2018
Here is a question from one of my readers: “With the holidays approaching how do you stay focused on your diet and also be with the family sitting around a...
October 18, 2016October 18, 2016
This weekend #TeamNoah was reunited for the wedding of Mark Bouquin to his beautiful bride, Melissa. For those of you who watched the John Cena reality-TV show “American Grit” that...
October 4, 2016November 19, 2018
Happy Monday! Did you ever notice that Monday is the international start day for all diets? That’s so you can get your last food hurrahs in over the weekend. Or,...
October 1, 2016November 5, 2018
Numerous readers have requested that we do another challenge, so here is the free SLI Method 31 Day Challenge! Have fun with it and feel free to take pictures along...
September 30, 2016
Ah, milestones. They really sneak up on you sometimes, don’t they? I just went to my 20th college reunion last weekend. One of my classmates said she didn’t feel old...
September 26, 2016September 26, 2016
If you have had your head buried in the sand for the past few weeks you may not realize that tonight is the MOST EPIC EVENT EVER if you are...
September 21, 2016November 5, 2018
One of my clients said that she doesn’t want to do bikini competitions or anything like that; she just wants to lose weight and get healthier. I encouraged her to think...
September 11, 2016September 11, 2016
Frankly, I’m beyond impressed with the hundreds of women who have written to me asking for advice to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into their busy lives: single moms with two...
September 8, 2016
One of the key reasons why people give up on their fitness goals is because it’s hard. It’s tough to eat chicken and asparagus when your family eats KFC and...
September 6, 2016
It’s 10 weeks until my next bodybuilding bikini competition. This time I’m doing a different division (sports model) with the Musclemania/ Model Universe federation. For this division there are three...