August 3, 2018November 5, 2018
Are you a person who takes her time to accomplish tasks, methodically going step-by-step until it’s done, or do you like me, wait until the very last minute and...
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August 2, 2018November 19, 2018
I’m a big believer in setting goals and then holding myself accountable to finish them. I used to go a little overboard with this, writing lists of things to do...
July 17, 2018July 17, 2018
It’s mid-July so it’s time to check in on monthly goals. My fitness goal is to do 5,000 squats by the end of the month and my personal goal is...
July 6, 2018
Can you believe it’s July!?! Forget the lazy days of summer. This month I’m going to do two colossal challenges: I’m going to do 5,000 squats and I’m going...
June 18, 2018
I don’t know about you, but if I just shelled out a lot of money for a trip, the last thing I want to do is spend an extra $35-$50...
June 13, 2018November 5, 2018
We just returned from a 17-day backpack trip through Europe as the final leg of our homeschool road trip. For those of you right now saying, “Wait – what!?!” allow...
June 1, 2018May 24, 2018
Frankly, I’m in awe with the hundreds of women who have written to me, asking for advice to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into their busy lives: The single moms with...
May 24, 2018November 5, 2018
Do you want to know the best diet and exercise plan out there? The one that you are willing to follow. Everyone has their own distinct personality. Some of us...
May 8, 2018
This past weekend was the INBA Urban Physique Naturals. Every bodybuilding federation has their own feel and I like this one because it does WADA drug testing (the same tests...
May 4, 2018May 4, 2018
Everyone has a story. Here’s mine. Buy Your Copy of She’s Losing It! HERE Anyone can change their life if they really want to. If you’re crying today that doesn’t...
May 2, 2018May 2, 2018
Do you remember the phenomenon of the film and book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne back in 2006? (Spoiler alert – the secret is the law of attraction). Anyway, I...
May 1, 2018November 5, 2018
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 13, or as I like to call it, “The one day of the year I get to drink warm coffee.” There are many tomes about...
April 23, 2018April 23, 2018
This weekend was the big Girl Scout camping trip. It was nerve-wracking to plan because I’m not really big on camping and I was stressing about starting a campfire. But...
April 18, 2018November 5, 2018
Merriam-Webster defines self-indulgence as “excessive or unrestrained gratification of one’s own appetites, desires, or whims”. The food industry has seized on this human tendency and filled the blanks of what...
April 17, 2018
Today I almost started crying in the car, not because there was anything majorly awful in my life, but just from feeling overwhelmed. I work part-time as a personal trainer,...
April 14, 2018November 19, 2018
What is grit? To me it means forcing yourself to keep going even when everyone around you expects you to fail. Tee Hanible embodies this quality. In fact, I met...