July 10, 2012
Here is the next installment of Jaime Baird’s Booty Beautiful Work Out. The full list of exercises is in the August issue of Fitness RX Hers. Here is the link: ...
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A new ally in my Operation Ass Lift! Check out this crazy work out!
July 10, 2012November 5, 2018
Oops, I did it again…a 3rd nomination for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! How cool is that? So thank you Charlie from http://howskinny.wordpress.com/ for following my blog and nominating...
July 9, 2012
February 2012. The next day… Today is chest/shoulder day. This is not a training day; I do everything on my own. I am speeding through all the exercises and feel...
February 2012…Later that same day. The kids are in bed and I’m showing off to my husband as a commercial for Pizza Hut blares in the background. “Henri, I’m getting...
February 2012 “How’s it going?” Daniel appears from nowhere startling me so much I almost fall off the damned stair master. He is omnipresent it seems. “I feel good,” I...
July 8, 2012November 5, 2018
Back to the basics. No process foods. No artificial sweeteners. Vegetables. Berries. Chicken. Fish. Brown rice. The Bikini Diet worked for me because it got rid of all that extra...
July 7, 2012
Olympic Torch Relay Fire was considered sacred; literally a gift from the god Prometheus. In Ancient Greece a fire ignited by mirrors from the sun would burn in front of...
Four weeks before a body building competition things start getting weird. The weeks prior to that are intense, no doubt, but mostly just dedicated to eating clean and lifting weights....
July 6, 2012
(59) Gretchen Lichtenstein. A good motivational pic
Take a walk through your local mall and start people watching. It’s really eye-opening to see how many kids are overweight today. According to the Centers for Disease Control: “Approximately...
July 5, 2012
I was shopping at HEB and noticed a gluten free aisle. Really? Gluten free? This is the same store that dedicates an entire aisle to barbeque products. And I noticed...
My friend is considering training for a fitness competition but her biggest concern is protein. See, her husband has a severe food allergy to all things poultry. He can’t have...
I asked Henri what he wanted to do for July 4th and he said, “Clean the garage.” “Seriously? I lost 50 lbs. to look good in a bikini and you...
July 3, 2012
3 Sneaky Tips to Look Better in a Bikini NOW! No diet or exercise required! Some women are born with flawless hourglass figures. Lucky for you I wasn’t one...
My friend, Obidia, is also a novice body builder. (She competes in the fitness division.) Knowing that yesterday was my first day of Operation Ass Lift, she told me to...