June 1, 2013
Happy June everyone! School’s out soon and it’s the three week countdown until my competition is over. Here are my goals for the month: 1. Do my best at the...
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May 31, 2013
I was so productive in April. May was a hot steaming pile of chaos and here’s why: I’m working more. There was a ton of paperwork and tight deadlines with...
May 30, 2013
I’m official. Just filled out the application for my NPC card and entered the Figure and Figure Masters divisions of the Adela Garcia Classic. Yahoo! Note: If you are part...
May 29, 2013
Kettlebell workouts are good if you want to combine strength and cardio and have a limited amount of time to spend at the gym. (Sound familiar?) 3 Kettlebell Moves: Snatch ...
May 27, 2013
Can’t blog very long – have a big deadline at work but wanted to share my happiness about three things: I can eat salt and mustard now. Apparently I always...
May 26, 2013
It’s easy to get discouraged. “I’ll never lose the baby fat.” “I’ll never have a flat stomach again.” “I’m too old; my metabolism is too slow.” “There just aren’t enough...
May 25, 2013
Memorial Day is an American holiday that started after the American Civil War to honor both the Union and Confederate soldiers who died while fighting. It was originally called Decoration...
May 24, 2013
That’s it. I’m done. Women’s fitness magazines drive me NUTS. I used to avoid fitness magazines when I was heavy because the models made me feel like a slacker; discouraged...
May 23, 2013
Curious about what it’s like to train for a bodybuilding competition? Well read on, because it’s time for the next installment of Same Show/Different Trainer. (If you missed the first...
May 22, 2013
Pop Quiz: When you are lifting really, really heavy weights (like over 5 lbs.) do you: A) Close your eyes B) Stop breathing C) All of the above D) What...
May 21, 2013
Thoughts and prayers go out to those devastated by the massive tornado that struck Moore, Oklahoma, especially to the parents of the 20 children who died in Plaza Towers Elementary. ...
May 20, 2013
Here is a question from one of my readers: “Hi Lisa. Your story gives me hope! I’m about the same age and height as you. I’m getting really frustrated and...
May 19, 2013
Adrianne started it. Mel’s Machines took a field trip yesterday to an exotic game preserve. (See? We do more than just booty camp…um…sometimes way more than expected…) We saw tigers...
On Tuesday Angelina Jolie made headlines when she revealed in a New York Times opinion piece that she had a double mastectomy after discovering that she had a rare...
May 17, 2013
I love Indian food. The first time I tried it was when I was a foreign exchange student at the University of London. My Welsh friend, Phil, and I would...
May 16, 2013
The other day I found the CUTEST PUPPY EVER running in traffic so I rescued him. There were three dogs, actually, but I was only able to rescue the one. ...