January 10, 2014November 5, 2018
A day or so ago online media was all atwitter about Jenny McCarthy because a new TIME magazine article said her son was not autistic. This was newsworthy because McCarthy...
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January 8, 2014
When Oprah has an epiphany of clear insight and striking realization, she calls it an “Aha Moment.” When I have an epiphany that I’ve been making a huge dumb-a** mistake,...
January 6, 2014
I was going to write a post earlier today, but I was busy with my kids. They are still home from school because my children’s school district hates parents. Maybe...
January 5, 2014
The first two weeks of January I’m a certifiable grouch. Know why? Because I always eat too much over the holidays (even though I pretend I won’t) and then January...
January 3, 2014
Did you ever read the book The Secret? It was wildly popular in 2006. The film version was playing the other night and I began to watch it. (Spoiler alert...
January 2, 2014
It’s January 2; time for most people to get back to work or school. Unless your my kids – then you’re off until the 8th (!?!) When I was in...
December 31, 2013
Happy New Year! Here are my resolutions: 1. Enter a fitness competition. This is a bodybuilding competition that is judged in two parts. The first part is just like a...
My stress dreams usually involving being back in Catholic school, in my junior year chemistry class, on the day of the final exam, only to discover that I had skipped...
December 30, 2013
I recently read that only 8% of people actually achieve all of their New Year’s Resolutions. With respect to 2013, I’m a proud member of the 92% slackers out there....
December 29, 2013
It’s no secret that I consume A LOT of egg whites as part of my bodybuilding meal plan. That’s why I was so happy to find MuscleEgg. They sell egg...
December 26, 2013
Looking for a fitness class that’s more interesting than running on a treadmill? Have I got the hook up for you! My friend, Serena Hicks, is opening a pole dancing...
We recently drove from Austin, Texas to Princeton, New Jersey; a trip that took a little more than three (3) days. People keep asking me, “Why did you take a...
December 20, 2013
It’s official. I’m picking the kids up from school now. They will be off until January 8…wish me luck! Doing anything fun for the holidays? Lisa @sheslosingitnet http://www.facebook.com/ShesLosingItnet Sheslosingit.net and...
December 19, 2013
Most days when I go to the gym, I look kinda frumpy. My leggings are $12 from Rue 21 and I pair them with a sports bra and T-shirt. My...
December 18, 2013
Seven days until Christmas and I. Am. Done. Couldn’t post last night; know why? Because I was baking 16 boxes of Ninjabread cookies for the kids to decorate at tonight’s...
December 16, 2013
Today I sampled some hemp products from Manitoba Harvest. (Go ahead…ask me if I tried it at 4:20…) I was interested in trying these out because I get questions from...