Goodbye 2013

I recently read that only 8% of people actually achieve all of their New Year’s Resolutions.  With respect to 2013, I’m a proud member of the 92% slackers out there.  Let’s hear it for being in the majority!  (Well…I did make progress on a few goals.)

My goals for 2013 were:

  1. Skydive.  Status?  Did that.  Yay.  You can read about it here:  Llamas on the Runway Whaaa?

    Skydiving OMG!
    Skydiving OMG!
  2. Learn to speak Spanish fluently.  Status?  No comprende.
  3. Overcome my fear of math.  Status?  2 + 2 = I STILL HATE MATH!!!  WHAT KIND OF GOAL IS THIS ANYWAY???
  4. Cook “clean eating” meals for my family all year.  Status?  Sorta.  Baby steps, right?  I pack very healthy lunches for my kids now, and one child actually eats them.  I have introduced new fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources in various formats with (very) limited success to my family.  You can read about my efforts here:  Bribery, empathy, and a goldfish.

    Rylee and Henry making pesto
    Rylee and Henry making pesto
  5. Use up all the moisturizer in my house.  Not even close.  I started letting my four-year-old play with the moisturizer bottles during bath time, and even he can’t use them all up!
  6. Come in 5th place in a figure competition.  Status?  That so did not happen.  But I did have a lot of fun doing show prep with my team, and I also learned how to do an unassisted chin up in the process.  Also, I dyed my hair red for the show.

    Muscular Development Online Magazine
    Muscular Development Online Magazine
  7. Do a Spartan Run.  Status?  I totally chickened out.  I’m really afraid I’m going to twist my ankle while crazy people hose me down and throw mud at me.
  8. Do a Zombie Run.  Status?  My husband had a work emergency, so we weren’t able to do it.

I think I bombed on a lot of those goals because they weren’t really fun to me; they were stuff I felt like I “should” be doing.  I mean, seriously, math?  Really?  And I think if my goal were to just “do a figure competition” without attaching the “win a prize” portion to it, I could have crossed it off my list as a happy accomplishment instead of an epic fail.  So, I’ll have to keep this stuff in mind as I write up my 2014 goals.

How about you?  How did you do on your 2013 goals?

Lisa ;) and (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

12 thoughts on “Goodbye 2013

  1. 1. LOVE your list and 2. Totes agree that the To Do list has to actually be fun. Mine for 2014: Sleep 7+ hours a night, open the Bon Bon dance studio, burn 15 pounds of fat off of this frame. Last one has been on my list for a while but reading your story took it from “one day” to “this is happening” in a hurry. Thanks for sharing your journey with us all here!

    1. Aww – that makes me feel so awesome!! And sleeping 7+ hours a day sounds fabulous. Can’t wait to see your new studio!!!

  2. I just love your competition pose picture. You’re # 1 in my books. Gotta read your sky dive post. My husband wants to do this, but my response was, “you’re on your own dear.”

    I have a math fear too!!
    Happy 2014 🙂

    1. Skydiving was so much fun!!! I made my husband go with me and the only reason I left the plane was because I was attached to a professional skydiver on my back. But what a rush! Math is still scarier.

  3. I have a fear (more like hate) of math, too. The best way to overcome it? Be a teacher or paraprofessional who spends time in a math teacher’s classroom. I’m learning Algebra 1 all over again and loving it even though I hate math! lol I couldn’t imagine trying to motivate myself to do that at home, though. No, thank you!

    I don’t remember creating any annual goals last year, but now I want to create some for 2014!

    1. Oh don’t you worry…my resolutions are coming soon! An obstacle challenge sounds awesome – go for it!

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