June 2, 2015November 5, 2018
Happy June! Know why I’m so happy it’s June? Because it means that May is over – yay! Here’s why I hate May: When It Rains It’s Probably a Tornado....
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May 29, 2015
My gym bag is a mess. It’s got gloves, clothes, a towel, water bottles and a ton of supplements and protein powders in various sippy cups because A) I’m a mom...
May 25, 2015
May 2015 is a real stand out for perhaps the worst month of my life. That’s a pretty bold statement. I’m only 41, so things can get a lot worse, I’m...
May 23, 2015
Lately I’ve been fascinated with boxing. I used to think it was barbaric and that anyone who watched the “sport” was just as bloodthirsty. But then I read an interview with...
May 22, 2015
My friend and I are having a competition to see who can make the biggest gains in biceps in a one month time-frame. It was during this smack down texting process I...
May 19, 2015
It’s been nearly a month since my last training session. Some people can exercise through any crisis. Not me. The best I did was a few walks. My focus was...
May 18, 2015
Honestly, I didn’t want to go. I had been given a free blogger pass for the Spartan Sprint back in January, back when my mother had decided to stop chemo,...
May 14, 2015November 5, 2018
This past Mother’s Day I found myself in the unfortunate position of writing the eulogy from my own mother. Before she passed I asked her what her proudest moment was...
May 2, 2015November 5, 2018
I had to take a break today; just a walk around the neighborhood. I passed by a field of flowers encircled by a barbed wire fence. That’s what hospice feels like. ...
April 26, 2015
It felt like Christmas – busy, but a happy busy, you know? I was planning for my daughter’s First Communion this Sunday as well as my husband’s family reunion to...
April 21, 2015
Yesterday my sister-in-law, Cindy, posted on Facebook an article about this Swedish personal trainer who has a new program out called the Butt Bible, or something like that. I watched...
April 20, 2015
Lately, a lot of people have been reading my book, “She’s Losing It!” (available on Amazon.com) and it’s piquing their interest to enter a bodybuilding competition. Yes! My plan is...
April 18, 2015
“I have a bone to pick with you, Henri,” I said to my husband, his smile turning to a weary grimace. “What’d I do now?” he asked. “No, the real...
April 16, 2015
So did you survive Tax Day? If you really want to get someone grumpy, ask them if they have (and follow) a budget. Most people think of budgets the same...
April 14, 2015
So, usually my Facebook Page gets friendly traffic rates of 100-300 views per post. (Thank you 100-300 readers! I love you!) My latest post, A Taste of Victory and the...
April 13, 2015
The Texas Shredder was my sixth competition. I almost dropped out. We found out my mother’s cancer had spread back to her lymph nodes and she had to get fluid on her...