September 3, 2016November 5, 2018
Labor Day is upon us. As we say good-bye to summer with our last barbeque, let’s make that salad a little healthier. “But, Lisa,” you say, “aren’t salads already healthy?”...
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August 29, 2016August 29, 2016
What are the stories you tell yourself? Comedies? Tragedies? When I’m feeling down you can see it in my face and my features. My shoulders are slumped, I’m looking down...
August 24, 2016
For many mothers it’s that most wonderful time of the year: when the kids go back to school! Trips to crowded amusement parks where the healthiest option seems to be...
August 21, 2016August 21, 2016
This week was like a giant “American Grit” reunion for me. It started with the Olympics. Watching those athletes in action makes me feel like such a whiny-ass when I...
August 11, 2016August 11, 2016
Bodybuilding is a sport like no other because it combines hardcore badass weight lifting with the pageantry of a modelling competition, complete with sparkly costumes, make-up and lots of photos....
August 4, 2016
Everywhere you look there are signs for back to school sales, bringing a collective sigh to children and a sense of shock to parents that summer is indeed coming to...
July 31, 2016July 31, 2016
Sixty-eight per cent of the electorate thinks American is on the wrong track, and almost the same percentage of Americans are overweight. To me, Trump is like a fad diet. ...
July 23, 2016
Sometimes people ask me how I made it through my first bodybuilding show, considering I was middle aged, overweight and had never done anything remotely similar in the past. My...
July 18, 2016
If you really want to test the bounds of your marriage, do a reality TV show. As incredible an experience as American Grit was for me personally, my husband saw...
July 11, 2016November 5, 2018
When You’re on a Diet and Your Family Isn’t Ah, family; the ties that bond and gag. This topic could be an entire book in and of itself. When I...
July 6, 2016July 6, 2016
Writing my memoir, “She’s Losing It!” and doing military training exercises on the John Cena reality TV show American Grit may seem like different experiences, but they had a lot in common. In...
June 28, 2016November 5, 2018
4 Tips to Stop Caving to Cravings There was a study done a few years ago at Connecticut College that was very interesting. Rats were divided into two different groups. The first...
June 22, 2016
My bedroom closet is filled with boxes from my mother’s house. She died a year ago. My garage has a stack of relics from my husband’s uncle. He’s been gone...
June 21, 2016June 21, 2016
American Grit has been over for a few weeks now and I’m back to my hum-drum #momlife of folding laundry and paying bills. That’s far too boring for me so...
June 17, 2016
I’M SO BORED!!!!! “This mean plan is boring. I’m tired of eating chicken (or fish, or steak) and vegetables,” said EVERYONE who ever transitioned from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to...
June 16, 2016
As a personal trainer (and as an individual who lost 1/3 of my own body weight) excuses are something I’m quite familiar with. While it would be easy for me...