July 18, 2017November 5, 2018
Here are two questions I get emailed a lot: “Hi Lisa – Love your blog! After menopause I started gaining weight. Do you know what I can do? I’ve always...
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July 17, 2017
Today is the start of “peak week”, the week before my bodybuilding competition. Or, as I like to call it, “I want carbs and I’m thirsty and tired and sore...
July 14, 2017
“I Feel Bad About My Neck and other thoughts on being a woman” by Nora Ephron goes off on books that say it’s great to be old. Nora writes, “I...
July 12, 2017July 17, 2017
Every day is filled with small choices: You can hit snooze or wake up and go to the gym, you can eat fries or vegetables, you can give yourself an...
July 11, 2017July 11, 2017
Pop Quiz: What is the worst exercise ever? A) Burpees B) Sprints C) Chasing after toddler in the supermarket while pregnant, or chasing toddler anytime. D) Weighted planks with rows...
July 10, 2017July 10, 2017
It’s two weeks until my next bodybuilding bikini competition. I would love to write about all the fun exercises and posing I’m doing, but I can’t right now because I...
July 6, 2017November 5, 2018
Remember when food wasn’t so complicated? Okay, me neither, but my grandparents probably did. See when they were growing up people cooked meals with real ingredients that weren’t genetically altered...
July 5, 2017November 5, 2018
You know how people get a personal trainer and the person does exactly what the trainer tells them to do and everything works out? Yeah, that didn’t happen with me...
July 4, 2017July 4, 2017
Happy July 4th! I recently stumbled across this picture taken of me when I was very pregnant with my son and trying to bribe my ob-gyn to induce labor. It...
July 3, 2017
When you are training for a bodybuilding competition the closer you get to your show date the crazier things get. Your carbs and calories are cut, your workouts and water intake...
June 30, 2017November 5, 2018
Happy July 4th weekend! Oh sure, there will be burgers and hot dogs and beer for most people, but to me, a summer picnic is not complete without watermelon. My...
June 29, 2017June 29, 2017
Chicken is one of those staple dishes, but can get old fast. Here’s a recipe from a book I reviewed a few years ago that dealt with food allergies. While...
June 27, 2017June 27, 2017
Today we busted out of the gym and had my client do a park workout. Of course, being a trainer, I felt compelled to bring all of my gym toys...
June 26, 2017July 3, 2017
It’s four weeks until my next competition, which will be in Costa Rica, and I’m hungry. Winning 3rd place in the classic bikini division last week made me hungrier for...
June 23, 2017June 23, 2017
Summer is upon us. As we say hello to sunshine and swimming with our first barbeque, let’s make that salad a little healthier. “But, Lisa,” you say, “aren’t salads already...
June 22, 2017
“Will strength training make me look bulky? Because I don’t want to look like a scary gorilla woman.” – me, circa 2012. “HA!” – me today Many clients and people...