August 20, 2012
Let the countdown begin! 12 Weeks to the Texas State Naturals Championship. I’m definitely in better shape 12 weeks out for this show versus my first...
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August 19, 2012
These are the pictures from the 12 weeks counting down to the Adela Garcia Classic on June 23, 2012. This was my first bodybuilding competition. These pictures were taken June...
These are the pictures from the 12 weeks counting down to the Adela Garcia Classic on June 23, 2012. This was my first bodybuilding competition. These pictures were taken May...
These are the pictures from the 12 weeks counting down to the Adela Garcia Classic on June 23, 2012. This was my first bodybuilding competition. These pictures were taken April...
August 18, 2012
Fitness Cheerleader Blogger Challenge Question of the Day: Are You a Cardio Junkie or a Weights Junkie? You would think as a novice bodybuilder this question is a no-brainer for...
August 17, 2012
We left California 7:30 pm on Wednesday. 27 1/2 hours later we made it to Texas. Yeehaw! Was it possible to eat clean and exercise while on vacation? Answer: ...
August 14, 2012
Bodybuilder and trainer Duda Bueno answered some of my questions and gave me some tips for growing muscle mass. (If you are in the San Diego area he can be...
August 13, 2012
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt You will never have the “perfect” conditions to do a thing. If you wait for perfection...
August 12, 2012
When you are training for a bikini competition your diet is extremely regimented and strict and as you progress towards the show date your calories steadily get cut, as do...
Duda Bueno’s Leg Workout, (858) 952-4252 Today Duda took me to the World Gym in San Diego, CA. It is a hardcore training facility for bodybuilders. There is...
Fitness Cheerleader Blog Question of the Day: Name a Famous Person You Would Like to Workout With I know I should probably name a bodybuilder here, but I would really...
August 11, 2012
Fitness Cheerleader wants to know: 5 Weird Things About You Ok, anyone who has read more than one of my posts already knows that I’m kinda quirky, so trying to...
Fitness Cheerleader Blogger Challenge Question of the Day: How Do You Break Through A Plateau? I have drawn clear battle lines. Let Operation Ass Lift commence. Bikini competitions are won...
My niece’s fiancee, Duda Bueno, is a trainer/bodybuilder. He just won 2nd place at the LA Championships and qualifies for his pro card. He will be training me tomorrow…...
God, I love to run! Yesterday I got the chance to run up Torrey Pines Reserve, up and down all the trails, then run back along the beach to...
August 10, 2012
[wpvideo fkNsHeIL] I used to be an actress. By the time I was 23 I did back to back national tours playing Scout and Anne Frank in adaptations of “To...