September 13, 2012
Most days I workout alone, ’cause, let’s face it, who else is awake at 4 a.m.? But this week Henri got a free pass for 24 Hour Fitness and...
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March 2012 It was weigh in/measurement day and I was already in a panic. Everyone in the gym training for the Texas Shredder in a week looked amazing; I...
I’m used to being the boss. My guess is that 99.9% of all mothers are THE BOSS at home, because we’re better at playing the bad cop than our spouses. ...
September 12, 2012
OK – I’ll admit it: I’m one of those People of Walmart. Fitness Cheerleader wanted to know how many workout shoes we owned. Here’s the scoop: The bulk of our...
September 11, 2012
Republican vp candidate Paul Ryan recently bragged about having a marathon PR (personal record) of 2 hours 50ish minutes. For your reference, a marathon is 26.2 miles and to run...
OMG! I am so delinquent on these Fitness Cheerleader Blogger Challenges! Here is my training schedule for the Texas State Naturals Championship for female bodybuilding (bikini division): Monday: Shoulders/Abs Tuesday: ...
Did you ever feel like you were the most stressed out person in the world? Well, according to a new Gallup study, if you are a middle aged mom, you...
I am supposed to be doing the following things right now: 1) Updating the accounting for our small business. 2) Following up with the mortgage guy about our refinance....
September 10, 2012
I inherited my father’s sense of direction, or lack thereof. We were always getting lost on car trips, or as he would call it, “taking the scenic route.” But to...
Source: via
September 9, 2012
Every day I pack a nutritious lunch for my five-year-old daughter and every day she’s brought home her lunch untouched. At first I thought, “Well, it’s her first time in...
8 weeks until the Texas State Naturals Championship! It’s time for me to break out the 5″ heels and start sticking my hips out. (People at my gym you...
Just got off the phone with a relative (two relatives, actually) and I want to pull my hair out. Did that ever happen to you? Without going into details I’m...
September 8, 2012
Currently, I’m full swing into Operation Ass Lift. I’m discovering this mission is proving impossible. Much like Navy SEAL Team 6 looking for the elusive Osama Bin Laden, I...
Those of you who know me have heard about some of my epic battles with Daniel over the food journal he had me keep. In a nutshell, I hated...
September 7, 2012
Lisa’s Supplement List Welcome to the weird little world of bodybuilding! These were the supplements I took to lose 50 lbs. and gain lean muscle mass. Please note I don’t...