September 20, 2012
If you never had a baby but really, really want a baby, probably don’t read this…yet. (Babies are great, by the way, I have two of my own.) OK- you...
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September 19, 2012
My kids are not the healthiest, which both my husband and I acknowledge. Their weight is fine but as a family we don’t always make the best food choices and...
September 18, 2012
If you want to know my mental state all you have to do is look at my body. When I’m in control of my life my body looks good; when...
Ernestine Shepherd: World’s Oldest Female Bodybuilder Stuns The Internet. This lady is 75 and looks AWESOME!!!!
Fitness Cheerleader wants to know how I measure my fitness progress. Like the caveman progression I seem to measure it incrementally and what I’m judging it by is constantly changing...
September 17, 2012
And now it’s time for another episode of Dumb Shit I Said to my Trainer… April 2012 I’m super excited because my trainer, Daniel, gave me my new diet meal...
Ah, the cold and flu season is upon us. How do I know? Because everyone in my family but me looked like the scene from the Exorcist this weekend. I...
Congratulations to Bernadette and Duda on the birth of their daughter, Skyler! In honor of Duda being a dada I’m posting his… 5 Rules for Weight Loss Don’t cheat on...
September 16, 2012
The banana protein waffle sounds good. Also there is a football workout game at the bottom. Not as much fun as a drinking beer game, but pretty fun.
Since you’re are bored at work and trolling the web anyway (you know who you are) check out these blogs: Peonut. Amy is a twentysomething working on figuring out life...
7 weeks until the Texas State Naturals Championship and I’m freaking out a little because the competition is becoming more real to me now. My 20th high school reunion...
September 15, 2012
Fitness Cheerleader wants to know my 5 favorite vegetables… I don’t like vegetables. The end. But you know what I do like? Eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. 735...
Have you ever heard of the game, “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?” You pick an actor from some random movie and in six movies or less you can connect that...
September 14, 2012
Not to brag, but if I had a nickel for every athletic trophy I won, well, I’d be broke. Seriously, I’ve won nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I have medals...
Waking the next morning I feel dreadful. I haven’t exercised for two days now and my stomach is bloated and uncomfortable from last night. I step on the scale. Yesterday...
Last Weekend of March, 2012 “What’s better,” asked Bill Maher of one of his foodie guests, “mediocre sex or a great meal?” The guest answered (and I’m paraphrasing here,) “Depends...