November 1, 2012
Perhaps the weirdest aspect of the bodybuilding sport (next to posing, of course) is the whole tanning thing. The most basic question is: why do they do this? Answer: 1)...
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Today is Day 1 of my first Blogger Challenge! If you would like to join in just type up a post on your blog and link it to the comments...
October 31, 2012
According to one handful of candy corn (about 20 pieces) = 150 calories. It takes 37 minutes of walking to burn that off. Here is the article with photo...
Here were my stated goals and the actual results for October: 1. Have a really great time at the Notre Dame High School reunion and not kill my diet in...
October 30, 2012
May 2012 Normally I meet Daniel at 6 a.m. but he’s going to a wedding this weekend in Louisiana so we met an hour earlier. He’s been rearranging my training...
October 29, 2012
May 2012 I was never really into the club scene, or bars for that matter either, probably because wearing short skirts and dancing lustily were not my strong suits. No,...
If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts it is fairly clear that diets and I don’t necessary get along well. But I really like being thin and fit. ...
October 27, 2012
Earlier this year I followed Fitness Cheerleader’s blogger writing challenge – to blog every day for a month, and I LOVED it. While making friends with other bloggers I also...
The Texas State Naturals Championship is next week. These past three months went so much faster than my first competition! It was different because I knew what to expect...
October 26, 2012
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of vitamins (and I thought I was old!) Confession: when I walk into the grocery store and look at all the...
Really cool article about which alcohol to drink if you are on a diet. Thanks, Jessica!
October 26, 2012November 5, 2018
Hey guys! I’m in the running to be in Fitness Magazine as a success story!! Please click on the link below and vote for me. Vote Here 🙂 Then please...
Henri and I just voted early. Texas allows that – maybe your state does too. (Just Google early voting + your state to find out.) As you can tell, I’m...
OK, y’all know I have severe problems 1) sticking to my diet, and 2) remembering things like Pajama Day. Well this week proved to me that A) God is testing...
October 25, 2012
Today was a bit of a hectic one. I overslept, so I didn’t get to the gym until 5:30 a.m., so I only had time for cardio. Got the kids...
October 24, 2012
April 2012 Daniel is beaming. He won 2nd place in his division at Texas Shredderbuilt this weekend. “Well, you earned it,” I tell him. Today he’s going to teach me...