September 6, 2013November 5, 2018
Do you know why I’m happy this Friday? Let me count the ways: Managed to drop off both kids just before the bell rang. Ha ha! In your face tardy...
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September 5, 2013
David Connolly started smoking in 1972. “It was that whole peer pressure thing. I was 16 and my best friend smoked, so I started smoking.” Although he quit almost a...
September 4, 2013
It took me about a year to complete Operation Ass Lift and now I’m on a new mission: Operation Incredible Bulk. I have eight months until my next figure competition...
September 3, 2013
OK all you mommy porn fans: E.L. James just tweeted over the weekend the actor picks for the cast of “50 Shades of Grey”. Anastasia Steele will be played by...
September 2, 2013
This little bit of information was so weird I just had to post it. First, a little back story. I was training with Katie from the team and our coach...
September 1, 2013
Wow. The year is coming to a close in four months. Yikes! I guess I should look back at my New Year’s Resolutions/Birthday Scare Goals and try to get some...
August 31, 2013
Every month I set goals for myself and then check back at the end of the month to see how much (or little) I accomplished. August Goals – Results Return...
August 30, 2013
Nicole Paynes is a member of Mel’s Machines, the all women’s bodybuilding team I’m on. Even though she moved to Chicago earlier this year, her Austin team has her back!...
August 29, 2013
From time to time I get asked about my training schedule for preparing for a figure competition. When I tell the person that I only work out about an hour...
August 28, 2013November 5, 2018
I’m always on the lookout for healthy things for my kids to eat and I found something pretty good. They are called Ruby’s Rockets and they are frozen pops made...
August 27, 2013
Every Tuesday I tell you about the good things that are going on with me and you share what’s good in your world. Here’s My Good News: The Kids Are...
August 26, 2013November 5, 2018
My mom said I was a picky eater when I was a kid, and that one day when I grew up she wished that I would have a little girl...
August 24, 2013November 5, 2018
To say I have a sweet tooth is putting it mildly. Anything with sugar or milk chocolatly goodness puts a smile on my face. It also increases my risk...
August 23, 2013
We are packing up and heading home in about 5 hours. As much as I love vacation, I’m ready to come home and get back into my routine again. When...
The first time I heard about foam rollers was when I lived in Los Angeles. Knowing absolutely nothing about running I decided to sign up for a marathon because I’m...
August 21, 2013
Ever just feel totally lazy? Yeah, I’m there. I spent my day catching up on Game of Thrones, swimming in a lake with the kids, and reading trashy magazines once...