January 1, 2015
The Success Rate for New Year’s Resolutions A study from the University of Scranton showed that the success rate of people achieving their New Year’s Resolutions was a mere 8%. While...
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December 31, 2014
Happy New Year! Every year on my birthday (February 2nd) I like to do scary things to challenge myself past my comfort zones. Since my birthday is so close to New...
December 30, 2014
As 2014 comes to a close, I’m feeling optimistic for the future. Gas is at a four year low, the Dow is at a record high and Americans collectively expressed their...
December 28, 2014
Success stories are always fun to read, but this particular one is fun to write about. Why? Because it’s about my brother, Dennis, who just lost 90 lbs. in the...
December 26, 2014
Did everyone have a nice Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Festivus holiday? (FYI – Festivus is a goofy holiday created by the TV show Seinfeld back in 1997 and is celebrated on December 23. People gather...
December 23, 2014
Remember the other week I told you I had a secret? Well, I actually have two, but here’s the first one: I’m making a movie book trailer. I’m starting to work...
December 20, 2014November 5, 2018
Each December it’s natural to reflect on how your life has changed the past year. Remember those Christmas newsletters that used to be popular but now that everyone’s on Facebook...
December 17, 2014
You know how sometimes you will go out with a friend and say, “Hey, I really like your boots. I think I’ll buy the same ones. Where did you buy...
December 14, 2014
About two months ago I was feeling really down about my body. After two years of living a very healthy lifestyle, my mother’s diagnosis of cancer threw me into an emotional...
December 11, 2014
Okay, I have a super big secret but I can’t tell anyone yet because it has to do with my craziest New Year’s Resolution ever, and that’s saying something considering this...
December 10, 2014
Pop Quiz: Which type of weather prevents you from getting to the gym? A. Snow – My workout is shoveling my driveway. B. Rain – I live in California. C. Hail –...
December 9, 2014
Tonight is the annual Victoria’s Secret holiday show. Here’s a secret: Victoria and I are frenemies. I really liked the holiday special when I was 20something and thinking, “Cool. Sexy...
December 7, 2014
Why is it that every big Christmas event for school, work and family has to happen on the same day? Why can’t things just be easy? My husband and I...
December 4, 2014November 5, 2018
My mother quit smoking 30 years ago, which is why we were really confused by her diagnosis of lung cancer this summer. But since she had smoked in the past, we...
December 3, 2014
Quick note – Some of you have asked me about weight loss surgery, which I have not done. So, to answer your general questions, BMI of Texas is doing a guest...
December 2, 2014
Between bodybuilders and people just wanting to shed some weight, there is an ongoing debate between “clean eating” versus “IIFYM”. Here are the basics, so you know what people are talking about...