March 8, 2016April 16, 2016
Remember how I promised you that I’d be introducing you to some truly inspiring people this year? Well, Brooke Van Paris takes the cake on this one. She is a fellow...
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February 24, 2016February 25, 2016
OMG I’m on a Reality TV Show!!!! For MONTHS I’ve been keeping a huge secret and it’s been killing me, but now, here it is….. I’m on the cast of...
January 24, 2016May 9, 2022
Hello from my newly renovated website! My original blog was mostly my quirky little thoughts about bodybuilding, weight loss and dealing with small children. As I was working with the web designer to create a new...
January 19, 2016January 24, 2016
Goodbye blog as you know it. I started this blog in 2012 when I was 38 and overweight. My goal in starting the blog had absolutely nothing to do...
Saturday morning was cold by most standards but by Austin, Texas standards it was downright freezing. (We had to wear jackets.) But that didn’t stop the nearly 1,000 women from...
January 17, 2016January 24, 2016
This weekend I was invited to blog at Prevention Magazine’s R3 Summit. The 3 R’s stand for Revive, Refresh and Reinvent. Briefly, the terms can be defined as follows: Revive...
January 1, 2016
Every day of our life we get to write a page in a book called, My Story. The first 18 chapters are strongly influenced by other characters: parents, teachers, friends. But...
December 30, 2015
For those of you who have been following me for a while, you know that 2015 was a pivotal year filled with turmoil, sadness and overcoming obstacles I never thought...
December 24, 2015
This Christmas is different. This is the first Christmas without any parents. My mother died in May and my father died long ago. I’m lucky; I have my husband and...
November 12, 2015December 22, 2015
Happy post-Halloweeen-I-have-to-buy-an-organic-turkey-it’s-how-many-days-till-Christmas-what’s-my-New-Year’s-Resolution?!? On a good week, I like to try to get one to three blog posts out. Now that it’s holiday season and I’ve got to handle closing out...
October 12, 2015
If you’re a guy it’s quite plausible that your wardrobe can remain the same from your 20’s until your 40’s when you start to get love handles. If you’re a...
October 11, 2015
Some days I just want to wear a hat, not because I’m a hipster or anything, but because my hair looks like a rat’s nest after a tough workout. Do you...
September 30, 2015November 5, 2018
September has always been rough for me. I’m one of those people who gets sad when it gets dark and cold outside, which is one reason why I moved to...
September 29, 2015
#Thankyou Instagram and Twitter for reminding me that today, September 29, is one of the most awesome pretend-holidays of the year: #NationalCoffeeDay These are the places giving away freebies: Dunkin’ Donuts:...
September 14, 2015
It’s Fashion Week in NYC, so in honor of that let’s talk gym fashion. The most interesting thing I’ve read about so far is called the Polo Tech smartshirt by...
August 21, 2015
My girlfriends and I have been talking about clothes shopping recently. We all had special events to go to (a fancy dinner, a cocktail party, a work event) and none...