April 14, 2015
So, usually my Facebook Page gets friendly traffic rates of 100-300 views per post. (Thank you 100-300 readers! I love you!) My latest post, A Taste of Victory and the...
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April 13, 2015
The Texas Shredder was my sixth competition. I almost dropped out. We found out my mother’s cancer had spread back to her lymph nodes and she had to get fluid on her...
April 11, 2015November 5, 2018
OMG! Was the first person called in 1st callouts for prejudging at the Texas Shredder! Here is the picture my friend Cynthia took. AHHH!!!! Won’t know for sure until the...
April 6, 2015
I’ve been getting a lot of requests for information about the Texas Shredder and how bodybuilding competitions in general work, so here’s the low down. Tickets for Texas Shredder If...
April 5, 2015
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? I’m not talking about being busy; everyone I’ve ever met is busy, even if they’re retired or on vacation. I’m talking about looking at your...
April 1, 2015
So sorry to vent, but it’s really a #ShesLosingIt moment. This morning I had to drop off my husband at the airport at 4 a.m. He will be working on...
March 27, 2015
It’s taken me longer than I hoped to get focused on my new goal, the Texas Shredder competition, because I was coming off such a high from the Arnold Amateur,...
March 26, 2015
And so the saga continues…It started with a phone call from my brother and ended with me eating cupcakes. That’s the way my week has been going. The only problem...
March 21, 2015
Bodybuilding is one of the most niche sports out there, especially for women, so I started making little videos of what it’s like to train for a competition (also called...
March 17, 2015
If you are training for a bodybuilding competition (or trying to eat clean as part of your lifestyle, for that matter) then you know the magnitude and power of the...
March 16, 2015
Last November I did something a little crazy, even for me: At age 40, and slightly heavier than usual, I entered one of the largest international bikini competitions in...
March 12, 2015
Bodybuilding is a niche sport, but it is gaining popularity. You might have heard of “Pumping Iron” the documentary that chronicles the preparations that Arnold Schwarzenegger did to compete in...
March 11, 2015
The other day I received a message from a woman who said she Googled something like ‘from couch potato to bikini competitor’ and my blog came up. While I’m happy...
March 9, 2015
What a wild ride getting to the Arnold Amateur has been! Pre-Show On Wednesday I didn’t even know if I would make it to Ohio for the Arnold Sports Festival...
March 4, 2015
Today my husband and I take flight to Columbus, Ohio for the Arnold Sports Festival. In theory. ‘Cause it’s supposed to snow. My competition is tomorrow at 5 pm, so if I...
March 1, 2015November 5, 2018
Did you ever wonder what it’s like to prepare for a bodybuilding competition? Maybe even a teeny bit? Well, if so you’re in luck, because I’ve been making little videos...