July 2, 2012
Subject: Re: Just saying hi and venting a little From: Regina Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:33:09 -0600 To: Lisa I miss our Thursdays too. Vent away. Let me just...
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Subject: Just saying hi and venting a little From: Lisa Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 1:39 PM To: Regina Hi Regina, How are you? I miss our Thursday breakfasts. Need...
February 28, 2012 The weight is just melting off me. I can’t believe how fast this is happening! It’s…too fast. I wasn’t expecting the results to come so quickly and...
Body building is all about order. You eat six clean meals per day. Each individual meal is balanced between protein, carbs and green vegetables, which ties into the over all...
July 1, 2012November 5, 2018
1. I love Diet Pepsi with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind. I know Diet Pepsi is the Anti-Christ, but I am a sinner. Why am...
July 1, 2012
It’s been a week since finishing the Adela Garcia Classic. My spray tan is fading to a lovely shade of orange that would make Snooki jealous. Daniel gave me the...
June 30, 2012
When I was working (before having the kids) I could literally spend 40 minutes curling my hair if I had an important meeting to attend that day. My make up...
Every morning I get out of bed, take off my clothes and weigh myself. (I’m a firm believer that pajamas easily add 17 pounds to the scale.) On New Year’s...
June 29, 2012November 5, 2018
I’m super excited! I’ve been nominated by Erin @ Happier, Healthier, More Fit Me , for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! So, what I have to do is…. Display the...
June 28, 2012
(61) Facebook. Look! Brooklyn Castillo #173 from my posing class was a winner at the Adela Garcia Classic last weekend. Well deserved win and she is such a great gal...
Below is ab work out #1 I did the first month. As the month progressed Daniel added new ab exercises and added a 10 lb. weight on my back as...
Now that I am going to the gym twice a day I’ve been noticing that there are other crazy people like me who live at the gym too. We’ll call...
Below is the chest/triceps work out I did the first month. As the month progressed my weights increased but the repetitions (“reps” – the number of times you do the...
June 27, 2012
I look at the time in the gym locker room and cringe. It’s 7:15 a.m. I took too long in the shower, so now my husband is going to be...
June 26, 2012
Below is the back/bicep/shoulder work out I did the first month. As the month progressed my weights increased but the repetitions (“reps” – the number of times you do the...
There was a business book that was in vogue at the turn of the millennium called “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson, M.D. and Kenneth Blanchard. The premise is...