August 28, 2012August 27, 2017
So, on Sunday I posted a little thing about the Ice Ball fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters I attended on Saturday. (You can read it here: Ice Ball) It...
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August 27, 2012
Tonight I tuck you into bed, your last night as my baby. Your face is sweet and clean and innocent, unmarked yet by the world to come. Tonight I am...
Fitness Cheerleader wanted to know the meaning behind my blog name. My blog was supposed to be called The Bikini Project. But two weeks into training it became pretty clear...
August 26, 2012November 5, 2018
Sometimes I go to church and nothing being said particularly pertains to my life. Not so today. Matt was talking about the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4: 3-8 (ESV)). ...
August 26, 2012
I am (finally) stepping up in the technology world. At the prodding of my friend, Kelly, I created a Facebook page for the blog. (She write a great clean eating...
Last night we went to the Ice Ball, a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Oh, it was so much fun!! Anytime I get to purchase and wear a...
August 25, 2012
Fitness Cheerleader wanted to know what’s in my gym bag. Here it is: 1. Clean clothes. I love to shower at the gym. It’s nice to shower alone without...
OK, I’m a little off on the timing of this post, considering tomorrow starts week 10, but then again, I’ve been dealing with both kids doing back-to-school stuff this week....
August 24, 2012
My favorite purchase from the San Diego Rock ‘N’ Roll marathon was a pink t-shirt that says, “My sport is your sport’s punishment.” As in, the coach makes you run...
August 23, 2012
6:50 a.m. I meet Daniel at Metroflex Gym. It’s one of those hardcore bodybuilding gyms with no A/C or heat. The women are all training for bikini, fitness or physique...
A typical day for me starts at 5 a.m. (note the very attractive bags under my eyes.) I take my 10,000 supplements. If I have a training session I...
August 22, 2012
Dear Lisa My heart aches watching you sobbing in your car at Rylee’s nursery school last November, tears spilling over your fingers and wetting the steering wheel you were gripping...
1. Weight lifting gloves. Without these my hands get ripped to shreds and get callouses on them, a most unfeminine look. 2. Supplements. I get my new supplement list tomorrow...
August 21, 2012
Last May I published my first book, “Mind Your Manners Minnie Monster.” It was a very exciting time for me because I had always wanted to see one of...
Fitness Cheerleader wants to know: What’s Your Favorite Thing To Cook? Share the Recipe When we were in Phoenix, Arizona, we stayed with Henri’s cousin, JJ, and her husband,...
August 20, 2012
“Hey, fat girl!” he snarled, a grin spreading across his obnoxious face. “Fat girl, I’m talking to you!” “She can’t hear you, too much blubber in her ears,” laughed...