November 16, 2012
When I started bodybuilding this winter I expected a few things to happen: 1- I’d lose weight. 2- I’d feel better. 3- I’d look better. All those benefits indeed happened. ...
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November 15, 2012
Expectant parents might think they have everything covered as they plan for baby’s arrival. But they might not be expecting preemies! Local Austin mom, Kristen Padavic, whose twins were born...
“When I’m good, I’m very good, and when I’m bad, I’m even better” – Mae West Time for confessions…yes, I used to be a social smoker. I never bought my...
November 14, 2012
When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad I’m horrid; and I’m not just talking fitness. Case in point: today’s goals were to clean the entire house, trim...
November 13, 2012
My favorite, favorite, favorite fall recipe is sweet potato pancakes. Click here to get the recipe (it’s at the end of the blog post. Note: you can use pumpkin or...
November 12, 2012
It’s been a week since the competition, or as I like to call it, Dirty Eating Vacation Week. You know, sometimes the best thing about a vacation is when...
November 11, 2012
Music seems to draw upon our emotions and can really motivate you to push past a hard set. Conversely, seriously lame music does not help. For example, if you are...
November 10, 2012
My father was an enlisted man; he was in the Air Force. Like many immigrant sons not only did he see the military as a chance to escape a life...
Feeling tired? Grumpy? Depressed? It’s probably not the kids, or your spouse, or your job either. According to Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D., it might be the lack of fish in...
“So you want to be a trainer,” he said. We walk to the Freemotion press. I’m doing a full upper body workout today. Only one more session until he moves. ...
November 9, 2012
Labor Day, September 3, 2012 Dave and Leucretia invited us over for a Labor Day BBQ pool party, but that means being surrounded by alcohol, burgers and chips, and that’s...
I hated going to my brother’s football games in high school. It was Jersey, so it was always cold outside, I never understood what was going on in the game,...
November 8, 2012
Facing public humiliation worked so well for me to get in shape, I’ve decided to give it a try with my writing. By the end of November, less than 30...
Generally speaking, I’m a bit of a loner and considering exercising “me time.” I have my own little routine from eating my almonds to selecting my workout playlist to coordinate...
November 7, 2012
I love quirky science-based weight loss tips, which is why I had so much fun interviewing Heather Hausenblas, PhD. An Associate Professor at University of Florida and Jacksonville University, Dr....
If you have nothing nice to stay, then come sit next to me because today we’re discussing fitness pet peeves. 1. Dear super-stong guy at the gym: I know it’s...