January 22, 2013
A few days ago we became proud pet owners of some fish. Boy things have changed since I won my first goldfish at the church carnival and brought it home...
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January 21, 2013
If you are my trainer, please don’t read this. Know why? Because I had a slice of this pizza last night and it was AWESOME!!! (And not on my sugar...
Food Quiz: How much sugar does the average American adult eat each day? a) 6 teaspoons b) 15 teaspoons c) 22 teaspoons d) 57 teaspoons If you guessed c...
January 19, 2013
You Know You Are Hardcore When: 1. You are totally fine with drinking egg whites. 2. You send your trainer text messages like, So sore I can’t walk today. Yay!...
I like this message
January 18, 2013
After getting off to such a great mediocre start to my clean cooking adventure I just completely got off track this week. These are my totally valid reasons excuses for...
Oprah had her interview with Lance Armstrong where he confessed to doping/cheating because it was important to him to win at all costs. PED usage is widespread across a plethora...
Jessica DiBiase is a wife, mother, athlete, personal trainer and entrepreneur. She is also my sponsor! We spoke about a variety of topics – this one focuses on being a...
January 17, 2013
I’ve been online for three hours now, “liking” FB stuff, commenting on blogs and my email message box is still at like 9,000 messages. Also, I still don’t understand Twitter....
The other day someone asked me if there were safe exercises to do if you had uterine prolapse issues. First, I had to look up what a uterine prolapse was. ...
This morning was a real struggle for me to get out of bed and into the gym; but I’m glad I went because now my sugar detox diet just got...
January 16, 2013
“What are your fitness goals?” is the first question any personal trainer will ask you. How honestly and specifically you answer will determine how successful your experience becomes. For example,...
January 15, 2013
Every winter I get very patriotic because if I don’t I get really angry about all the taxes I have to pay. Also, I’m a small business owner which means...
Every five months or so it seems I feel the need to lift too heavy and injure myself. Don’t do this. My weakest muscle is apparently my left shoulder because...
January 14, 2013
It’s 8 a.m. and 32 degrees in Austin, literally freezing. Yes, I know if you’re in Canada right now you’re looking at your blizzard covered lawn and saying ‘oh boo...
January 13, 2013November 5, 2018
Whether you are a certified gym rat or a Januarian, certain things that people do at the local exercise facility can drive you NUTS! But fear not! The Little Book...