February 4, 2013
When you picture a plane landing, what do you envision? An airport? Cargo vans? Someone waving landing flags perhaps? You probably don’t picture llamas, do you? Well guess what was...
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February 2, 2013
It’s just past midnight. I’m 39. Wow. I’ve been on this planet a long time. Some people grow old gracefully. I’ve never done anything gracefully, so why start now? Also,...
February 1, 2013
Asking your trainer for permission to go off your diet is like asking your dad for the keys to the car. You pretty much know the answer is going to...
January 31, 2013
I’m going back to writing out 3-5 monthly goals. It seemed to work for me. Goals for February Sign up for my certified personal trainer (CPT) exam and pass it....
Normally I make monthly goals and then check in at the end of the month to see how I did, but since January is New Year’s I made my annual...
January 30, 2013
Hey there! Just need one (1) more person to skydive and then we get the discount – making everyone’s total $112.50. That’s a really great price for an adrenaline packed...
January 29, 2013
Thinking about splurging a little during that Super Bowl party? Check out the article below before you dig into those nachos, chicken wings and case of beer… The Annual 2013...
Obama made news a few days ago when the told The New Republic Magazine, “I’m a big football fan but I have to tell you if I had a son,...
January 28, 2013November 5, 2018
My friend had just given birth to her second child when it struck. Her hands betrayed her and she could not hold her own newborn. It was difficult to move...
Just got my first editor’s pick for being a sports blogger! Here’s the note: “I’m an editor at Be in the Game, which is part of Become.com’s blogging network, and...
January 27, 2013November 5, 2018
This has been my lucky week! I’ve been nominated for several awards. Yay! Thank you Angie’s Food Adventures for the nomination (and for great posts about gluten free eating.) The...
January 27, 2013
My birthday is this Saturday. My mom called and asked, “How old are you going to be?” “39,” I said glumly. “Well get used to saying it because that’s the...
January 26, 2013
Some things are easy to give away, like baby toys, crop tops (thank God that trend went away!) and my husband’s stuff. Yes, those are spring cleaning no-brainers. It’s a...
January 25, 2013
Fruit has been called everything from God’s dessert to Sugar antichrist, so what’s the real deal? The benefits of fruit (aside from tasting really good) include providing a good source...
January 24, 2013
If you thought I only said dumb s*** to my first trainer, Daniel, oh you would be wrong. Already with Mel I’ve asked such questions as, “Why is that guy...
January 23, 2013
At the gym today a mom was talking about the drama on her daughter’s cheerleader team. I guess one girl was refusing to do a back-flip and the coach balled...