June 17, 2013
“Positive thinking doesn’t raise money. Stories about death and dying are what bring in the cash. I understand that. I want research money too, but not at the cost of...
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June 16, 2013
I am having a lot of fun doing my Happify activities. FYI – I was asked by the website host to be a “Happify Pioneer” – participate in researched based...
Happy Father’s Day! Every so often there will be articles written in newspapers, in books and online asking, “Are men still relevant?” With new fertility methods a single woman can...
June 14, 2013
Lululemon’s CEO, Christine Day, stepped down from the position on Monday. Today, the company tweeted an online application for the position and a list of requirements. Guess who just applied...
Every quarter I seem to re-injure my shoulder and it’s happened again. Normally, I go to the chiropractor and/or get a massage, but I’ve tried both recently and it still...
June 13, 2013
So Henri and I were having this argument because I told him something that was bothering me and he kept saying, “You just need to _________” and I was all,...
June 12, 2013
Happy Hump Day. Need a quick laugh? (Of course you do, it’s hump day.) Here is a video making me giggle: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWBhP0EQ1lA&w=560&h=315] Ok, now that we’re past that here...
June 11, 2013April 16, 2016
We have officially entered bodybuilding season, which means on any given Sunday athletes will be dieting down, upping their cardio and “drying out.” If you are new to bodybuilding and/or...
June 11, 2013
Here’s what’s trending now: Tim Tebow has been signed by the New England Patriots In a 2 year, no guaranteed money contract, reports ESPN Tebow will play for the New...
June 10, 2013
As a blogger I get contacted for an interesting assortment of opportunities. Would I like to be a BeachBody Coach? Would I like to place a sponsored ad for the...
June 7, 2013
School’s out! Yay! No more papers for me to read and sign! No more Pajama Days to remember! No more…wait what!?! Summer camp is having a Crazy Hair Day? Are...
June 6, 2013
Beach season is upon us. Are you ready to rock that bikini? Try out these: 3 Sexy Abs Secrets: Follow the 90/10 Rule (TM). I used to think that having...
June 5, 2013November 5, 2018
One of the overall goals of this year is to make my family eat healthier foods. It doesn’t always work out. But that’s why I was excited to read Superfood...
June 4, 2013
The ‘Sheergate’ story is back. Fitness outfitter Lululemon Athletica Inc. is re-releasing the black luon yoga pants pulled from the racks earlier this season for being see-through. The original mishap...
June 3, 2013
Curious about what it’s like to train for a bodybuilding competition? Well read on, because it’s time for the next installment of Same Show/Different Trainer. (If you missed the first...
June 2, 2013
My favorite memory from childhood is baking chocolate chip cookies with my mom and grandma. My brother, Dennis, must have been at school because it was just the three of...