October 27, 2013
My prime exercise goal for next year is to compete in the Fitness Division of a bodybuilding competition. I’m aiming for the Texas Shredder in April, but as I’ve never...
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October 25, 2013
Busted, busted, I can’t be trusted! It’s not that I don’t follow my meal plan – I actually do eat all 6 meals – it’s just that I also like...
October 24, 2013
I make a lot of goals for myself. Some of them are crazier than others. My newest goal, to enter the Fitness division at the Texas Shredder in April, seemed...
October 23, 2013
My friend’s grandfather just passed away and it was clear how much he meant to his entire family. When someone passes it’s natural to reflect on your own mortality. There...
October 22, 2013
In the latest interview in W magazine, Katy Perry says, “People talk about bullying, but you can be your own bully in some ways. You can be the person who...
October 21, 2013
Sorry I haven’t written much over the weekend. We had a ton of family activities and today I feel like a mack truck hit me. But now I’m a little...
October 18, 2013
This was a fascinating study recently done at Connecticut College. Students found that “America’s favorite cookie” (Oreos) was found just as addictive as cocaine…in lab rats. Also, while not part...
Pop Quiz: What’s your favorite sports movie? A) Rocky III (the one with Mr. T) B) Dirty Dancing C) Field of Dreams D) Pumping Iron E) Lisa, Dirty Dancing isn’t...
October 17, 2013
Yesterday, I wrote about Maria Kang and all the controversy surrounding her “What’s Your Excuse?” picture. (You can read about it here: What’s Your Excuse?) It made me think about...
October 16, 2013
Maria Kang started quite the Facebook controversy the other day. She posted a picture of herself looking fabulous in short shorts and sports bra with her three sons ages 3,...
October 15, 2013
It’s Tuesday – time for Gripes and Goodies. Good News: Stayed up till 2 a.m. getting caught up on all 54 episodes of Breaking Bad. I’m tired, but I feel...
October 14, 2013
My first bodybuilding competition I made a lot of mistakes, but one of my favorite ones had to do with the heels. See, if you are in the bikini or...
October 13, 2013
We’ve spoken about how it feels to live with arthritis and now we’re focusing on some ways to to help you reduce pain, enhance mobility, and decrease your dependence on...
This post is good not only for foodies, but also for people living with arthritis. Why? Because salmon is one of the top recommended foods that help with inflammation. Salmon...
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease that affects millions of people, and not just senior citizens. It limits their ability to do everyday tasks. Did you ever wonder how that would...
October 12, 2013
This year October 13th marks the 5th anniversary of Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. There have been significant treatment advances in the past five years that are helping to prolong...