November 30, 2014
Holy Elf on the Shelf, it’s December! The beginning of each month I set some goals for myself and then check back at the end of the month to see...
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November 28, 2014
Yesterday was Thanksgiving, a day of reflection of the simple things we are grateful for: family, health and friendship. Today it’s all about the sales. Black Friday is so named because...
November 25, 2014
It started innocently enough. I was doing my cardio and reading a copy of my husband’s Men’s Health and noticed a huge picture of a cheese burger. But if you...
November 24, 2014
My main goal for Thanksgiving is to incorporate some organic foods into the mix. I finally made it to the farmers market today and looked at the turkeys. This is...
November 23, 2014
Writing a book is often referred to as a labor of love. My book, She’s Losing It! has lately felt like just labor minus the epidural. She’s Losing It! is a...
November 22, 2014November 5, 2018
Everything was just a little off that day. My mother always gets her labs done first to make sure her blood count is high enough to get her weekly chemo,...
November 18, 2014
Which Supplements Should I Take for Weight Loss? Let me start by saying there is no single pill that will make you look like a super model because if it...
November 17, 2014
Hi Lisa, Your blog is very inspiring. I’m hoping you can help me. I’m 45 and going through a messy divorce and menopause too. Most people I know lose weight during...
November 14, 2014
Pop Quiz: Did you look at the latest pictures of Kim Kardashian’s butt? A) Sadly, I’m guilty. B) Hell to the No! My answer is…A. And once you look at...
November 12, 2014November 5, 2018
It’s Whatever Wednesday, so today I’m writing about my dabbling with the idea of homeschooling my kids. When my daughter, Rylee, was four this was a really big topic in my...
November 11, 2014
5 Things to Be Happy About Yes, I’m 40. But you know who else is today? Leonardo DiCaprio! He makes 40 sexy. Gasoline is affordable again. Happy Veteran’s Day! Thanks...
November 10, 2014November 5, 2018
One of my goals for this month is to get as many organic foods as possible on the Thanksgiving table. Sure, I can find apples and general produce at the...
November 8, 2014
Last night I worked out with my friends Obidia and Jenn. It was a leg day workout. More specifically, it was a leg and booty workout. It’s good to do...
November 6, 2014
10 Things that Annoy Me I am older than Justin Bieber’s father. Every time I look in the mirror a new dark spot appears on my face. Ma’am In...
November 3, 2014November 5, 2018
It started as just a small red dot or two, but quickly spread to my daughter’s chin, nose and a little on her forehead too. And, of course, this was...
November 1, 2014November 5, 2018
Ah Halloween, a time filled with fun costumes and bags, and bags and BAGS of candy. My house gets mobbed every year. I guess as a fitness blogger I should...