May 24, 2017November 5, 2018
From time to time I let people guest post on my blog. This article is by Brian Griffin, an Austin fitness center owner, and it explains the benefits of a...
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May 23, 2017
Everyone can use a little booty boost just before summer! That’s why I created an 8-week Booty Boost Challenge! Each week I’ll be posting a new glutes/leg exercise that I do...
May 22, 2017November 5, 2018
Last week my husband surprised me with a second honeymoon trip to St. Croix, which is one of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. It was absolutely gorgeous! Our anniversary also...
May 19, 2017May 9, 2017
It’s Friday, so it’s time for another pop quiz: Is Cursing ever beneficial? OK, I’ll admit it: I f***ing LOVE to curse, only I use the real words and not...
May 18, 2017November 5, 2018
Jaye’s Clean Angel Decadent Dessert When we were in Phoenix, Arizona a few years ago, we stayed with Henri’s cousin, Jaye. At the time I had just finished my first bodybuilding...
May 17, 2017November 5, 2018
When I first started my blog I really had no idea what to write. A blogger named Janice who I followed on her website Fitness Cheerleader hosted a blogger challenge where...
May 16, 2017May 6, 2017
May 15, 2017May 15, 2017
Seventeen years ago I got off the phone with my cousin, who was telling me about this great guy. And who should call next? This great guy. “Hi! Do you...
May 12, 2017May 9, 2017
It’s Friday, so it’s time for a pop quiz: Which is the best music to listen to when you workout? a) Fast upbeat music b) Classical c) Hip hop d)...
May 11, 2017November 5, 2018
#TBT – This was an interview I did with Joe De Sena, co-founder of the Spartan Races a few years ago, before my first Spartan Race. If you’ve never tried...
May 10, 2017November 5, 2018
This was a blog post that ended up in my memoir “She’s Losing It!”, which is the story of how I lost 50 lbs. by entering a bodybuilding competition and...
May 9, 2017May 9, 2017
May 8, 2017November 5, 2018
If you’re reading diet books or scanning the web you are bound to run across articles discussing eating as it pertains to your pH balance. That’s why I was intrigued...
May 5, 2017
Shoot, it’s already almost 11 weeks out by the time I’m able to write about week 12 of my bikini competition prep! Countdowns always begin on Saturdays, because that’s the...
May 4, 2017November 5, 2018
“Lisa, how can I make my hair look gorgeous?” is something no one asks me, ever. No. My readers send me questions like this: “Lisa, I started a high protein...
May 3, 2017May 6, 2017
When I first started blogging I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t want to write a blog at all; I was going to write romance novels. The...