January 4, 2013
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January 4, 2013November 5, 2018
Yay, I got another blogging nomination! I was nominated by fellow blogger MoonFitness, who also posts lots of great tips on weight loss, finding motivation and of course, bodybuilding. Thank...
Most exercise magazines I’ve read state that cheese is the antichrist, so why do I see cheese as ingredients in some clean eating recipes? It seems like this is a...
January 3, 2013
I woke up this morning at 5 a.m. and felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach. Thinking it was “just a phase” like my digestive tract was...
January 2, 2013
It’s Day 2 of the New Year – how are you doing on your resolutions? In typical Lisa fashion I’ve created grand plans with absolutely no prior research. I find...
My December goals accomplishments (or lack thereof) serve as an affirmation of the fact that people should not set goals in December. My goal for next December? Do not set...
January 1, 2013
Clean Eating For Kids. This article gives tips for how to get started and get your kids on board. Wish me luck!
The troll I blogged about yesterday apologized! Who knew? She called this morning and said, “Sorry, it was a pretty bitchy thing for me to say.” And I said, “I’m...
My birthday is February 2 (Groundhog’s Day.) Every year on my birthday I like to do something to scare the s**t out of myself so I feel alive. So I...
Welcome to the Gym! 1/1 – It’s such a symbolic number. Starting over. A new beginning. Remember this too: Top 20. Know why? Because of all the people who start...
December 31, 2012
I’m not one to toot my own horn, but when you state your fitness goals aloud and not one but two personal trainers use the word “miracle” in response, well...
December 30, 2012
Today I was going to do the following: Finish reading the NASM text book to make my December 31st goal. Clean the house. Figure out Twitter and create amazingly awesome...
There are “apple shaped” people. There are dreaded “pear shapes” too. My shape? Bun-in-the-oven. For real. I’m one of those chicks who always looks just slightly pregnant. You think I’m...
December 29, 2012
Mention “bodybuilding” and the first person to come to mind (well, my mind at least) is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Born in Austria in 1947 he is leading an incredible life. He...
December 28, 2012
Dear Corner of My Kitchen: I’m so sorry, but you’ve got to get yourself in check. While sorting through you I found: papers (tons of papers,) little Henry’s socks, popsicle...
Wouldn’t it be lovely if one day of the year was No Consequence Day? So you would be sitting at McDonald’s eating some fries and your friend would say, “Wait!...