Is Cheese “Clean”?

Most exercise magazines I’ve read state that cheese is the antichrist, so why do I see cheese as ingredients in some clean eating recipes?

It seems like this is a pretty heated topic in the world of health food peeps.  Some people don’t even like pasteurized milk.  Just coming off a 24 hour stomach bug, I’m going to have to vote for pasteurization.  Moo.

Actually, I’m lactose intolerant (like most people over the age of five) so this summer I switched to unsweetened almond milk, which is actually quite tasty.  But back to cheese…what makes some cheeses clean and others dirty?

According to the Gracious Pantry, block cheese is ok if it’s full fat, and cottage cheese is not clean but is acceptable because it has high protein and is portable.  According to an open forum on Parmesan is great because it’s lower in fat and has a stronger taste so you can use less and everyone seems to agree that feta and goat cheese rock.

I will admit it openly: I had to consult Clean Eating for Dummies for the definitive answer.  The rule of thumb in clean eating is to avoid processed foods where you can, but some processed foods, such as cheese, are ok provided you can pronounce all the ingredients on the label.  (Of course if you are a science major and words like polysaccharide xanthan gum rolls trippingly off your tongue, this probably isn’t the best advice for you.)

Summary:  Low fat cheese is ok in small portions.

Now aren’t you glad I did all that extensive research so you didn’t have to?

Lisa 😉 (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.


28 thoughts on “Is Cheese “Clean”?

  1. I agree that the harder cheeses are better. Also, I don’t think low fat could clean. It’s way more processed and usually contains atitives and stuff. Just my two cents.

  2. I wish I could have almond milk and the likes but sadly I can’t, which is why I could never go paleo, unless there is a paleo-lite for those who need dairy. There are a few things in life that are non negotiable for and having cream in my morning coffee is one of them. 😉

    I hope you’re feeling better!

  3. I thought this post was very interesting. I’m afraid I’m not a fan of cheese (I know, I know, I’m a sad creature). I can stand cheese on pizza and melted if it’s mixed with something else, but not solid and on its own. Some people say it’s good because cheese can be fattening and some say it’s bad because I don’ get most of the calcium I need ( I’m not a milk fan either. I had almond milk one time though and I agree it’s tasty too!) I do like this post though because I do have it sometimes. Usually Mozzarella or Parmesan with Italian dishes. So it’s nice to have this info so when I start cooking again I can remember to consider this. Thanks for the info! I’m on the Jenny Craig diet right now, so I eat their food till I reach my goal weight and at the point where I really need to start learning about good foods on my own and also good exercise. So I’ll look forward to your posts!

      1. I love it! I started in June and I’m up to almost a 60 pounds loss. expensive, but the only diet I’ve tried that’s worked so far and it’s basically just learning to get used to smaller portions. 🙂 Thank you!

  4. I agree that I think it’s one of those things that’s decent in moderation. Obviously some cheese are better than others. I kind of wonder how far we go sometimes with processed. I mean technically greek yogurt is processed too but I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone tell me that’s not good for you.

  5. I put cheese in the “junk food” category, because it’s basically pure fat, and it’s processed. ‘Nuff said. I don’t believe in low fat cheese – if I want it, it’s a cheat meal, and I have whatever cheese I want (usually the good quality, creamy blue stuff – yummmmmmm).

    But there is no way anyone can convince me it’s healthy.

  6. Thank you for this post! I have been trying to clean eat this month and was wondering about the cheese issue my self. I have been putting a small sprinkle of goat cheese in my salads and hoping I wasn’t ruining my efforts by doing that.

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