November 12, 2013
Ashley Guiles, also known as Glitter Bullet, is an interesting character. This is her second year in the Fitness Division, something she wasn’t sure was even possible. I spoke with...
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November 11, 2013
This is what a straddle hold is supposed to look like: Pop Quiz – Straddle Hold This quiz is in essay format. Feel free to answer any of the questions...
Happy Veterans Day! Thank you soldiers, for protecting us and thank you soldiers’ families for holding down the fort at home so your loved one(s) can serve. My dad was...
November 10, 2013
My internet was off all weekend, which means I was really bummed out, but totally productive. I did a lot of laundry and cleaning, but where’s the fun in that? ...
November 8, 2013
Happy Friday ya’ll. Let’s start this weekend right with a little eye candy. Business Insider made a list of the 50 Sexiest Athletes Alive. They wrote an article and stuff,...
November 7, 2013
November is the perfect month to remember all the things we are grateful for. It’s also the perfect time to ditch the Halloween candy (so now you can all stop...
November 6, 2013
Today’s thought is brought to you by a text message from my trainer, Melissa Merritt Coker, in response to my recent post What Do I Do With All This Candy?:...
November 5, 2013
Tatum Joines is seventeen years old, but you would never know it. She speaks with the maturity of someone in her mid-twenties. Also, her muscularity is impressive for a woman...
November 4, 2013
From time to time, I’m asked how I fit in exercise and balance it out with my family/work life. Here is a brief synopsis of my day 4 a.m. Alarm...
November 3, 2013
From 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. I was covering the Texas State Natural Championship, a natural bodybuilding competition in Austin. Confession: Having a media pass is pretty cool. I got...
November 2, 2013
Good luck to all the athletes competing today at the Texas State Natural Championships, especial the Fabulous Five ladies from my team, Mel’s Machines. I will be at the prejudging...
November 1, 2013
Every month I write up some goals and then check back at the end of the month. October Goals – How Did I Do? Do a split. Status? Ha ha! ...
October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween everyone! I don’t know about you, but my kids have buckets full of candy. Left to their own devices they would have a major tummy ache plus a...
October 30, 2013
Happy hump day! I figured you might need a laugh. When a Halloween thief stole a pumpkin that Washington, D.C. mom Becky Reina just bought with her two-year-old son the...
October 29, 2013
One of the blogs I follow, trextotigressdotcom, had an interesting post today: Will I Look Like The Women In the Shaun T Infomercials? She comments about how great the women...
October 28, 2013
This Saturday is the Texas State Naturals natural bodybuilding competition. “Natural Bodybuilding” means that all athletes are drug tested; no steroid use is allowed. I’m super excited, not only because...