January 2, 2014
It’s January 2; time for most people to get back to work or school. Unless your my kids – then you’re off until the 8th (!?!) When I was in...
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December 31, 2013
Happy New Year! Here are my resolutions: 1. Enter a fitness competition. This is a bodybuilding competition that is judged in two parts. The first part is just like a...
My stress dreams usually involving being back in Catholic school, in my junior year chemistry class, on the day of the final exam, only to discover that I had skipped...
December 30, 2013
I recently read that only 8% of people actually achieve all of their New Year’s Resolutions. With respect to 2013, I’m a proud member of the 92% slackers out there....
December 26, 2013
We recently drove from Austin, Texas to Princeton, New Jersey; a trip that took a little more than three (3) days. People keep asking me, “Why did you take a...
December 20, 2013
It’s official. I’m picking the kids up from school now. They will be off until January 8…wish me luck! Doing anything fun for the holidays? Lisa @sheslosingitnet http://www.facebook.com/ShesLosingItnet Sheslosingit.net and...
December 19, 2013
Most days when I go to the gym, I look kinda frumpy. My leggings are $12 from Rue 21 and I pair them with a sports bra and T-shirt. My...
December 18, 2013
Seven days until Christmas and I. Am. Done. Couldn’t post last night; know why? Because I was baking 16 boxes of Ninjabread cookies for the kids to decorate at tonight’s...
December 16, 2013
Pop Quiz: What should the title of this picture be? It’s Monday, so why not start your week with something silly, right? Plus, because I like you guys so much,...
December 15, 2013
Lately I’ve been feeling a special kind of sore because I’m doing so many flexibility exercises. I hurt in muscle groups that I didn’t even know existed. My dance teacher...
December 9, 2013
Last week I was able to speak again with the Supermarket Guru, Phil Lempert about what we can expect to see in grocery stores in the new year. As one...
December 2, 2013
Hi everyone! Did you have a great Thanksgiving break? It’s been a week since I’ve blogged and I’ve missed you! Oh sure, I posted on FB and Twitter, but it’s...
November 20, 2013
Earlier this year, Abercrombie & Fitch CEO, Mike Jeffries, got in hot water when a 2006 interview started reappearing on the internet. In Mr. Jeffries worldview, women larger than size...
November 19, 2013
Happy Tuesday! I haven’t done this for awhile. I tell you something good that happened to me and you tell me something good that’s going on with you. Here’s my...
November 16, 2013November 13, 2017
OMG! It’s almost Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years and I’m totally unprepared! All the checklists I’ve read in various women’s magazines have the assumption that I’m already somewhat organized. Not so. Here is...
November 15, 2013
I have a love/hate relationship with selfies. A photo/video is the ultimate reality check, and sometimes the truth hurts. For example, as part of my fitness routine, I am learning...