July 1, 2013
At the start of each month I write up goals and then check back at the end of the month to see how I did. Here were my stated goals...
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June 29, 2013
***If you are my trainer, don’t read this*** So, you know how I said after the competition I was going to have a Dirty Eating Vacation Week and then two...
June 28, 2013
Henry was screwed. Henry Cavill that is – the latest actor to play Superman. At 6’1″ and 170 lbs, he had to put on 20 lbs of muscle mass before...
June 27, 2013
Last year when I flew out to NJ for my 20th high school reunion my trainer asked me, “So do you have a game plan for eating clean and exercising...
June 26, 2013
You’re sitting at your computer for hours and when you finally stand up your right shoulder feels like it’s about to spasm and your back is killing you. Sound familiar?...
June 25, 2013
Happy Tuesday! On the Morning Mash Up they have a segment called “Tell Me Something Good” where calls share their good news. One caller said she was trying to get...
June 24, 2013
I’ve got the post Adela Garcia Classic bodybuilding competition blues today. I think everyone has experienced some form of it in their lives. You spend weeks, nay months, focused on...
June 23, 2013
If the 12 weeks of show prep for a bodybuilding competition are like Rocky, the competition itself is something between the Miss America pageant (minus talking about world peace) and...
June 22, 2013
I started training with Melissa Merritt Coker in January 2013 on her all women’s bodybuilding team called Mel’s Machines. To be honest, I was nervous about being on an all...
June 21, 2013
Last year I entered a bodybuilding competition to lose weight. My trainer was Daniel Rufini. This year I working to gain lean muscle mass. My trainer is Melissa Merritt Coker...
June 20, 2013
Guess what? I’m a redhead now! I match my son’s hair. So in the past year I’ve done the following experiments with my hair: Lady Gaga platinum Brunette Bangs Redhead...
James Gandolfini, who famously played Tony Soprano, died yesterday at the age of 51 from a heart attack. He was in Italy with his family for a film festival. As...
June 19, 2013
Curious about what it’s like to train for a bodybuilding competition? Well read on, because it’s time for the next installment of Same Show/Different Trainer. (If you missed the other...
As a writer I love reading just about anything: books, magazines, movie scripts, blogs. I tend to prefer the paper format because there is something great about folding over a...
June 18, 2013
If you are in the Austin area this Saturday and are looking for something to do, why not check out the Adela Garcia Classic? Tickets can be purchased online at...
Every Tuesday the Morning Mashup on Sirius XM has a segment called, “Tell Me Something Good,” where people call in their good news. Here’s my good news for the day:...