December 3, 2012
This was certainly one of my more fun interviews…It was with Supermarket Guru Phil Lempert, an expert analyst on consumer behavior, marketing trends, new products and the changing retail landscape. ...
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Yes, it’s good to have goals, but it’s also good to manage your expectations. For example, this cat may think he has the strength of a lion, but if he...
December 2, 2012
It’s the top New Year’s Resolution every year: lose weight/get in better shape. But why wait an extra 30 days binging on gingerbread cookies? Here are 3 things you can...
Hee hee
Want a better booty and help needy kids at the same time? My trainer, Melissa Merritt, is giving up her fees for the entire month of December for the Sunday...
December 1, 2012
Want to burn fat and lose weight while still drinking junky soda pop? Enter Pepsi Special, the latest drink out of Japan. The secret sauce is dextrin, a water-soluble form...
November 30, 2012
Ah, yes. It’s that time of the month again…time for new goals. Goals for December 1. I would really like to be able to do an unassisted chin up. I...
November 29, 2012
The month is drawing to a close and Christmas is upon us. Time to check in and see how I did on my goals… Goals for November 1. Do my...
November 29, 2012June 17, 2016
I am a meat and potatoes type gal. Well, let’s be real – I am a meat and potatoes and chocolate chip cookie type gal. So words like “vegetarian” and...
November 28, 2012
If you want to see noticeable improvements to your overall body tone, but can’t afford a gym membership, here are 3 basic moves that will help and require nothing beyond...
Earlier today I was stretching at the gym and the man near me, George, struck up a conversation. He asked if I knew any stretches for lower back pain. While...
Hmm. Memorable is a funny word. It can refer to something good or something very, very bad. My most memorable meal was my wedding night, of course. We got married...
November 27, 2012
Excerpted from The Total Food Allergy Health and Diet Guide by Alexandra Anca, MHSc, RD © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. All rights reserved: May not be reprinted without publisher...
Our friends Dave and Lucrecia came over for dinner on Sunday. I was a little nervous at first because Lucrecia has a ton of food allergies. She is allergic to...
Last year The Elf on the Shelf found it’s way into our home. For those of you without kids it is a FANTASTIC holiday helper. See Santa is really...
November 26, 2012
When I first signed up for training sessions my stated goal was to just be able to walk on stage and look good in a bikini. I was aiming high,...