3 Signs It’s Time for Botox

3 Signs It’s Time for Botox

3.  Hot guy at the gym reception desk says, “Have a good workout, MA’AM.”

2. People keep asking you, “Are you angry?” and you reply, “No, this is just what your face looks like after dealing with 40 years of perpetual bullshit.”

1.  You show your six-year-old a cute picture of you and your hubby from the early days and she says, “You guys look the same, but with more wrinkles now.”

Henri and Lisa at baseball game, 2001
Henri and Lisa at baseball game, 2001

Some people like to grow old gracefully.  I say, “Screw that!  I’ve never been graceful; why start now?”  Ima get me some Botox.

How about you?  Do you grow old gracefully or fight it?

Lisa ;)

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