Tell Me Something Good

Happy Tuesday!  Here’s where I tell you some good things going on in my world and you share some of your good news.

Here’s My Good News:

  1. My mom is in town!!!  I haven’t seen her since I went to my class reunion in New Jersey last October, so it’s long overdue.  She celebrated a big birthday this week.  I would tell you her age but she’d kill me. 😉

    Mommy & Me
    Mommy & Me
  2. Shiny new diet!  Shiny new diet!
    Hello weights.  I've missed you.
    Hello weights. I’ve missed you.

    If you are a bodybuilder the meal plan is the most important component of your training process.  Sometimes you will be on the same meal plan for two months, which can be boring.  But I just got my new diet and it’s a really good one.  I’m bulking up for the Texas Shredder in April, so I get to eat more carbs.  Ask me if sweet potatoes are amazing.  Sweet potatoes are amazing.

  3. Hello, muscles.  Just got the ok from my doctor to lift weights, do yoga and stomach exercises again.  Yes!  Ask me if two years ago I would have been excited about being told to lift weights, do yoga and stomach exercises.  Um…no. 😉

That’s the big news in my world.  How about you?  What good news would you like to share?

Lisa ;) (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.