November 27, 2012
Our friends Dave and Lucrecia came over for dinner on Sunday. I was a little nervous at first because Lucrecia has a ton of food allergies. She is allergic to...
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Last year The Elf on the Shelf found it’s way into our home. For those of you without kids it is a FANTASTIC holiday helper. See Santa is really...
November 26, 2012
When I first signed up for training sessions my stated goal was to just be able to walk on stage and look good in a bikini. I was aiming high,...
November 25, 2012
Holidays stress me out for two main reasons: 1 – my entire routine is thrown off for at least six weeks and 2 – I’m totally shy/awkward at holiday parties....
November 23, 2012
Thanks for sending this to me, Jenny!
November 22, 2012
Dear Fitness Santa, Um, I know I’m supposed to eat clean ALL the time and exercise at 100% strength and keep to a fitness blogging schedule and stuff, but I’ve...
You know, a holiday just isn’t a holiday in my house unless someone is sick. Last year Rylee got chicken pox on Halloween; this year little man had a little...
November 21, 2012
Sometimes it’s good to take a look back, to see where you came from and where you’re headed now. My blog posts cover the day-to-day stories; the ups and downs...
November 20, 2012
My whole life seems like a long series of epic fails sometimes, so choosing just one is difficult. Here are my top 3, in no particular order: While attempting to...
Thanksgiving is two days away and already I’m feeling fatter. I know the calories are coming so here is my Preventative Thanksgiving Game Plan: Cardio penance ahead of time. I...
November 19, 2012
Oooh…look how pretty! An iPhone 5 in black. And oooh…look! Even prettier! An iPhone 5 in white! And there are all sorts of need button things with pictures on them...
November 18, 2012
I really, really, really like rewards. I used to reward myself with things like chocolate chip cookies or a trip to Starbucks for an upside down venti caramel macchiato with...
November 17, 2012
Yet another one of my very well thought out completely irrational and insane plans is hanging like an albatross around my neck. The book. One month. 50,000 words. A five...
I seriously need to update my iPod. I’ve been feeling a little down today, so here is my list of random songs that make me happy and some day I...
November 16, 2012
When I started bodybuilding this winter I expected a few things to happen: 1- I’d lose weight. 2- I’d feel better. 3- I’d look better. All those benefits indeed happened. ...
November 15, 2012
Expectant parents might think they have everything covered as they plan for baby’s arrival. But they might not be expecting preemies! Local Austin mom, Kristen Padavic, whose twins were born...