December 11, 2012
While traveling roughly 250,000 miles a year consulting for a wide range of clients that include American Express, Sprint, Snapple Beverage Group, Harrah’s Hotels, and a slew of others, fitness...
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You’ve added strength training to your workout – great! Want to see better results? According to Dr. John Cuomo, Executive Director of Research and Development of USANA Health Sciences, incorporate...
OMG it’s COLD!!! You know how I know it’s really, really cold (aside from, you know, looking at a thermometer?) Let me show you the evidence: Exhibit A: Parking Lot...
December 10, 2012
Confession: When I was overweight I used my children as baby blockers against photographs. Here’s the first problem with that: the baby wasn’t big...
December 9, 2012
Yesterday it was 80 degrees and I was wearing shorts. Today it’s going to be 40 degrees and I’ll need to scrape the frost from my car windows before driving...
FREE Booty Camp TODAY! Want a better booty and help needy kids at the same time? My trainer, Melissa Merritt, is giving up her fees for the entire month...
December 8, 2012
So that’s where my alcohol went!!! Yeah, well the fat dude in the North Pole reads this blog and you’ve got some splainin’ to do my little elfen friend. (Paybacks...
Who Are You MEANT to be? We’ve all done it: Reached for the potato chips or cookies when we’re not even hungry. Why do we eat when we know we...
Free Booty Camp – All December 2012! Want a better booty and help needy kids at the same time? My trainer, Melissa Merritt, is giving up her fees for the...
KettleGuard Giveaway! What do Katherine Heigl, Jennifer Lopez and Jessical Biel have in common? They all use kettlebells as part of their workout routine. My problem with kettlebells (beyond not...
December 7, 2012
If your kids go to school or nursery school like mine you might be looking at your calendar right now and realizing that they are going to be home for...
It was May, just long enough for me to forget how bad Cheater’s Weekend made my body feel. But more importantly it was almost Mother’s Day and my 8th anniversary. ...
December 6, 2012
I was catching up on Boardwalk Empire this week (I love my Jersey mafia shows,) and one of the things that struck me (beyond all the gangster carnage) was the...
December 5, 2012
“What stresses you most about the holidays?” I asked Henri, sorting through the box of tree lights, trying to figure out a new topic for my next blog post. “I...
December 4, 2012
After the vegan dish was such a success I decided to get even more adventurous and try something international – African Peanut Soup. I think I found my new favorite...
Last night I had a very clear game plan: Put the kids to bed, do a 30 minute Pilates video and then tackle the catastrophe that is my office closet. ...