Forgot to Eat?

I have forgotten many, many things in my life:  the location of my keys, a password for my bank account, pajama day.  But I can honestly say I’ve never forgotten to eat.  My husband is the exact opposite.  He can go an entire day with nothing more than a cup of coffee and then he’ll wonder why he’s grumpy.

But apparently forgetting to eat can be pretty common, especially if you are very engrossed at work or if you take certain medications that reduce your appetite.

If you forget to eat here’s two tips to try:

  1. Set phone alarms to remind you to eat.
  2. If possible put your food somewhere visible to remind you to eat it.

If you have a loss of appetite and don’t know why talk to your doctor.   If you only eat one meal a day or nothing but a cup of coffee you are lacking the nutrients your body needs to function properly.  Not eating enough nutrients leaves you tired and irritable too.

So eat up and stay healthy.

Have you ever forgotten to eat?

Lisa ;) (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.