End of month panic attack

Did you know that March is OVER on Sunday?  I only wrote three goals for the month.  I took a sneak peak at my goals to see how much I accomplished…

None out of three is not bad, right?

But wait!  I’m not giving up!  I have five days and a Type A personality.  Victory is mine!Overcome Obstacle

Do you write goals and then forget about them?  Or are you periodically checking in on them?

Lisa ;)

Sheslosingit.net (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

12 thoughts on “End of month panic attack

  1. I write them for the entire year, and check myself to make sure I am on track. But I also set small weekly goals. Otherwise, it is easy for me to get sidetracked 🙂

  2. I have a calendar specifically for my goals. Each day I work toward them, I put an x on the day. If I don’t I leave it blank. The goal is to fill every day with an x and hopefully by the end of the month, the goal is accomplished or nearly there! Good luck with the last five days! You got this!

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