Reshaping the Future
Lisa Traugott’s competitive journey began just after her doctor told her she was borderline obese. She discovered that all the fittest people in the gym were training for a bodybuilding competition. Without knowing any more information, Lisa signed up and within two weeks realized that it was about so much more than looking hot in a bikini. She knew then that it was going to change her life and it did. She’s gone on to become a competition winner and continues to train for upcoming events.
Her clients have also gone on to win trophies in bodybuilding competitions from teen divisions to women in their mid-50’s and in weight loss transformation competitions as well. “My client’s fitness goals become my mission, whether it’s losing enough weight to get off diabetes medications, lose the post-pregnancy weight or get ready for their first bodybuilding bikini competition.”
Learn More About LisaInternational Winner
- Winner – 1st Place Sports Model Musclemania , Costa Rica
Texas Winner
- Winner – 1st Place INBA Urban Physique Naturals, Angels
- Winner – 1st Place Texas State Naturals, Bikini Masters
- Winner – 2nd Place Poseidon Classic, Bikini Masters
- Winner – 3rd Place Fitness Universe, Bikini Masters
- Winner – 3rd Place Texas Shredder Classic, Bikini Masters
Currently training for:
- Arnold Sports Festival, Feb. 2019, Bikini
- NPC Phil Heath Fitness Expo, March 2019